"What about underwear? You can sit under the blankets on the couch.. would that make you feel better?"

"No! No no no! Not my clothes.. I can't wear her underwear!"

She began to panic once again... Fallon was sure now.. she quickly paced backwards grabbing for a towel before holding up a defensive hand willing to barter with the girl now following her lead to undress her body, shirt off skirt down and only the underwear drenched around her intimate areas.. hesitation

"Camila I've seen you naked.. I won't touch you.. you can dry yourself but I need you to take those off.."

"You don't like me! I don't like you! Why are you helping me! If you don't like me you're not supposed to help me!"

"Concentrate with me for a second! Take your underwear off and dry your body!"

The girl swallowed with a frustrated hum dragging down her panties and bra to take the towel between her fingertips dabbing at her body and hair before Fallon walked towards her with a soft blanket wrapping it around her shoulders to hold in front of her body stepping back with a satisfied huff of air

"No clothes.. but your warm! Go sit on the couch I'll get you some water.."

Camila followed into the couch crawling with her blanket while pulling the duvet up and over her lap, the warmth soothing but the kindness confusing as she calmed from her brief meltdown.. Fallon was talking to her differently.. simpler and more collected.. it was strange

"So.. what were you running from?"

"You don't care!"

"No.. but I'm curious!"


"My dad.. he- he threw my sandwich in the trash.."

Fallon returned quickly with the glass of water handing it into the Youngers palm watching as she happily sipped down the refreshing substance before reaching to place it beside, the blankets cuddled around her body evidently calming her like a swaddled baby..

"So you're hungry now? Because you didn't eat your sandwich right?"

Camila was confused by the response to her words, she was expecting a laugh or a taunt from the woman she knew to hate her but no.. just a follow up question that sounded more than genuine with every passing word.. it was obvious however that she was holding back what she really wanted to say.. Camila didn't care though because she too was holding back on her urge to run for a kitchen knife..

"Y-Yes actually..."

"Well.. I can make you another one? You can tell me just how you want it.."

"I don't like liars! You hate me.. you're eyes are lowered and your palms are awkward on your legs.. so why are you helping me! Why are you offering to make me things in Lauren's apartment when you two are fighting!"

Fallon took a deep inhale standing up to walk around for the soaked clothes dragging them onto the counter with an awkward huff, her eyes sinking into the glossy counter top with a knowing look painted on her from across the room

"You wanted Lauren to yourself because she makes you feel good right? Didn't want me involved because I'm not her.. you can't focus with both of us.. it's too much?"

Camila paused, her words hitting slightly unexpected as the hostility in her own tone would have warranted a snappy comeback.. Fallon was great at snappy comebacks she thought to herself.. she just stared on chewing against her lower lip before clamping her fingertips around the bulk of her blanket

"How do you mean.."

She asked hesitantly

"One person touching you is enough but two is overwhelming right? Makes you nervous so to compensate you.. tried to push me away.."

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