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Tonks reached over and plucked the book from Neville, her face scrunched up at the next chapter title as she read it aloud.

"I've heard of plenty of two-faced people so far," Remus said sullenly.

Sirius was trying to put himself back into some kind of good mood at least, his nightmare wasn't coming true and neither Snape nor Voldemort were going to be murdering his godson in this future, but then who was in there? Dumbledore? Some student?

Well, he definitely didn't see that coming.

"I should just hang that auror dream up now," Tonks groaned at herself as she smacked the book into her forehead. "I was so duped!"

"Oh don't beat yourself up so much," Remus kindly tried to correct.

"Yeah Tonks, I mean, apparently no one saw this coming," Charlie agreed with a disgruntled look.

"I think it makes perfect sense though," Arthur sighed. "Those weak-willed are the easiest pray to You-Know-Who, Quirrell is certainly a candidate for that from what we've heard.

Dumbledore tapped his thumbs together but kept to himself he'd in fact been suspecting something like this for quite some time now. It was the logical leap, but it was always good to have his suspicions confirmed. Now the true question was, what to do? If he turned Quirrell away from the job now, what would Voldemort do instead to get his hands on the Stone? Should he not in fact still enact this idea and nip this in the bud where he had much better control of the situation?

He sighed deeply as he saw Sirius and Arthur still looked very uneasy that though a member of the Hogwarts staff were still responsible for this in some way, and knew they'd certainly have some things to say about this. He was not so certain anymore he could simply do without their, ah, kicking up a fuss no matter his assurances.

"That's, odd," Tonks' ire was growing at herself more with every word. He wasn't acting like the fool he had been all year apparently, leaving Arthur's remark less likely and something else could be possibly going on!

They were all feeling it now, how duped they'd been. Remus and Sirius at least felt semi-less foolish than Arthur and Charlie though, as Snape hadn't exactly made himself seem innocent in the meantime, as vile as he'd been to Harry.

"Most useful thing Snape's ever done I'm sure, be a stooge, even an unintentional one," Sirius sneered, ignoring Dumbeldores' unhappy frown.

He'd been hoping Sirius would in fact apologize, perhaps even show some humbleness and forgiveness. He would keep Severus' secret as promised, but if Sirius was going to remain in Harry's life, the last thing the boy needed was further antagonism towards his Potions teacher from his own godfather.

"Sorry Harry," Tonks seemed to genuinely mean it. "I was honestly hoping it was Snape just to see him fired! Now we don't even have that."

Sirius snapped to attention, easily shoving away his vivid imagination of punching old Snivilus in the face for being a prat to Harry for this much more important matter. He could deck Snape any old time, but Quirrell would have to die much sooner.

Hermione's mouth was hanging open, even a little tinge of pink came back as she remembered that, but then pride and defiance quickly settled across her features promising she'd set him on fire next, and possibly not remove the flame if he hurt Harry.

Sirius would have dropped Harry if they weren't sitting. What was this now?

A feeling Sirius never in his life would have thought could exist regarding Snape blossomed to life in his chest as he held Harry. Gratitude. Severus, had saved Harry's life, while his useless arse had been rotting away in Azkaban. He didn't understand, how did this line up with the same slimeball who had so dismissed Lily when she'd been the only person to ever show him a shred a decency he hadn't deserved? How was this the same adult who continued belittling a child who'd done nothing to deserve it? Severus, Snape, had saved, Harry, Potter?

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