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Hermione was clearly reluctant to hand over the book to anyone, and though Remus couldn't help but laugh at such a flashback to his own childhood and how much he'd loved every book as well, he still offered, "would you like to get your breath back? Give someone else a turn," while holding out his hand.

Hermione unwillingly passed it over.

Remus read out the chapter title, and for once everyone in here completely understood what that would be referring to, and no one was looking forward to it. Remus instantly regretted his decision and even considered for a moment handing the book back to Hermione he was so agitated having to hear about this guy again, but finally pushed past that and pressed on.

Ron looked like he wasn't sure whether to be affronted or not, that being his only comparison, as there was no doubt in mind what this was all about.

Harry groaned, making sure his hair was lying as flat as it could. He didn't care no one in here was trying to look at it now, he still squirmed with displeasure any time it was mentioned.

"They really should invent a map for that place," Tonks sighed.

"That would ruin the point of exploring," Charlie reminded her.

"Some of us don't want to explore when we're late," she grouched right back, "some of us want to make it to our classrooms without ending up on the wrong side of the castle the first few times."

"Why would you know that?" Arthur laughed in surprise.

"Hermione," all three younger boys said at once, while the girl blushed but didn't deny that she fully believed she'd be running around telling anyone that fact when she learned it.

Despite Harry's nerves of all the attention at that place, he was still listening to these vivid descriptions eagerly. This place sounded like pure magic, so no matter how many doors he had to get through, he couldn't wait to find them all.

While no one in here had ever actually seen this for themselves, no one denied the claim either which means they'd all thought that at least once. Some looked to Dumbledore like they thought he'd answer, but he was merely humming in absent pleasure.

"He's so house biased," Tonks groaned, "once he realized I was a Hufflpuff, he shooed me along."

"All the ghosts are except the Fat Friar," Charlie shrugged.

Despite his anxiety to come when Remus got to the bad part of this chapter, he couldn't stop a little fondness creeping into his tone for this. That Poltergeist had been a wreck their whole school lives, something the Marauders had greatly admired right up till their last year. Then his mind flickered, and he realized how sour he was thinking of this in past tense.

Harry wasn't sure if he was supposed to be terrified, or amused at the prospect of this. Judging by those around him, a combination of both.

"Congratulations," Tonks actually began applauding them.

Arthur sighed, feeling the exact opposite, but didn't see the point in scolding his son, yet.

"Are you sure that was an accident?" Charlie grinned. "I wouldn't be surprised if the twins had tried to help you along and pointed you there."

"Don't know," Ron shrugged, though he too admitted he wouldn't be surprised.

"Typical of him," Tonks agreed.

"Well lookie there, he's not going to be nearly as annoying as I thought if he's already helping you out," Charlie grinned.

Dumbledore kept the opinion to himself how odd he found it Quirinus was up there at all. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, or perhaps not.

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