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Arthur read out the chapter title with many happy murmurs in the background, they were all wanting to find out more answers about this and how it connected to everything.

"That's all you immediately planned on doing with it?"

Harry glanced up with surprise to see Sirius watching him with some disappointment, and he recoiled in confusion. If he'd thought about it at the time, he would have expected someone to be angry or upset at him for wandering around the castle after hours, but it had seemed no one had, now he saw Sirius was thinking the exact opposite?

Sirius wanted to sit around for hours and just explain to Harry he wanted to hear about him having some more fun, that cloak would be a great way to do that, but he still felt that was a far more private conversation than this room currently allowed.

Harry's shoulders sagged at the news. Finally being able to see his parents and then left with such a nightmare only days after, maybe that mirror was cursed and not worth what his mind really wanted to see.

"Guess Dumbledore does have to be right about some things," Sirius muttered petulantly, though he was convinced he could have kept Harry away from that just as well.

Hermione wondered if Harry even told her why he was really out of bed, she knew she wouldn't have scolded him, as much, then.

"We're all feeling that way," Tonks sighed.

"But here's hoping you will soon," Neville said, wondering where they were going to come across it they hadn't yet.

Sirius felt an uneasy hitch pulling at him, Harry's first game hadn't gone well, but surely he was going to be fine the rest of them.

"I never would have thought it of them," Charlie gasped for his brothers.

"That's always true," Charlie agreed enthusiastically, while the others were worried Harry might start having that nightmare in here and weren't as sure how he'd cope with it. It was clear the image was still lingering in his mind.

Tonks groaned loudly right in Charlie's ear, at least causing the kids to laugh again while Arthur read.

"Oh come now, they're just having a bit of fun," Sirius smiled, wishing he could hear more of Harry doing those things, but he was still smiling and laughing along so that was more than he'd ever thought he'd get already.

Tonks fell off her seat in surprise, and Neville jumped so hard he only just managed to not do the same.

"He's going to kill him," Ron said flatly as he looked at his friend.

Harry looked rather concerned for his life as well as he sat back farther on the floor in between Remus and Sirius.

Dumbledore intervened though before anyone could say anymore, especially the death threats he could already read coming off of Sirius and Remus. "I have stated my opinion on this, and my trust in my staff should be enough. For the switch to have occurred from Madam Hooch to Professor Snape means I already have my approval on this. I will not hear anything against Severus then."

"What's your authority on this eh?" Sirius barked back in outrage. "Harry's life was already in danger during one Quidditch match! This isn't Hogwarts in here, you can't tell us what we can and can't say about that slimeball!"

"I would have thought you more than anyone would know the idea of guilty until proven innocent Sirius," Dumbledore returned in a somber tone.

Sirius looked like he'd been slapped, his mouth snapping back shut and losing all traces of color. He couldn't believe Dumbledore was shoving that in his face now, especially after his threat he may not even be of help getting Sirius out of those circumstances!

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