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Mingyu pov

"Aa-aghhh faster ! Yes yes , right there aa-ahhhh" i was having the time of my life until-


I fell off the bed groaning in pain. I opened my eyes realizing it was just a dream "ughh another dream " i held my head yeah i always had those wet dreams because I was single af and my sexual needs were getting real frustrating and not to forget all of my friends were couples so it didn't help the situation at all .
I one again groaned when i noticed my visible boner i got from the dream earlier. I got up and went to the bathroom to take care of my business down there. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face tgen i went to my wardrobe to chose something comfortable to wear. I wore some sweatpants with a white shirt.
I reached downstairs to the scene of my mother making breakfast and my father reading newspaper at the dining table.
"good morning dad ,good morning mom" my dad and mom greeted me back and i quickly backhugged my mom and kissed her on the cheeks then i sat down opposite my dad .
"Mingyu " my dad said setting the newspaper aside  "me and ur mom are going to a business trip for maybe a month and more" i listened carefully and yeah did i mentioned that my parents are one of tge successful ceos of my famous company of south korea "the kims"  i nodded then my mother served me my breakfast "thanks mom" she smiled. My dad started again "and I want you to be a good boy while we are gone and remember not to make any trouble " he said and i quickly finished my breakfast and run outside the house not forgetting to hug my mom
My dad shouted after me and said something which I obviously didn't hear .

Dad's pov

"That kid didn't even listened to me "*sigh*
"It's okay we can tell him when his back" his mom said while holding my hand and i planted a soft kiss on the back of his hands "yeah"

Back to mingyu's pov
After getting out of the house i quickly went to the cafe where all of my friends decided to hang out

Once i reached inside. I saw all of my friends already sitted there.
"Hey!" I said as i neared them
"Oh ur here" jisoo said and waved at me and i said on the empty seat which was near seungcheol.
And i glanced over at my friends seungcheol and jeonghan feeding eachother while giggling like little girls , soonyoung like always annoying the hell out of jihoon , junhao being in there own world speaking Chinese , joshua wiping seokmin's mouth because of the shake that he was drinking, vernon and seungkwan complimenting eachother then blushing *wtf i thought* and chan smiling to his phone looking like a total creep and here my single ass wasn't having any of it . So I just shouted at everyone making them look at me
"C'mon we r here to hangout as a group not on a double triple or whatsoever date" i said annoyed.
"Ur just saying because u don't have a date and ur single ass can't relate" seungkwan said with his usual sass and flipped his invisible hair.
Hao just rolled his eyed at seungkwan and then patted my head . I just pouted because I really wanted someone to date , someone to kiss , someone to hold ,cuddle and do many more things so i just sighed because those things weren't going to happen anytime soon.
We then just hanged out like a normal group and by the time it was already night so I bit my goodbyes at everyone and headed home

I tried to tiptoe to my room but my father caught me "come here mingyh" i freezed and pretended I didn't hear bit my mother said " listen to ur dad mingyu" i just sighed and walked to where my father was
" So " my father started " as i said that we will gone for a business trip and I don't want you alone " my father sighed and i started to panic as my father started to speak again

"We are getting you a babysitter"

" a-. What?"

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