Chapter 2

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Chan POV

Chan is never able to pin down where Felix went after Stray Kids were set to debut. After Minho was brought back to the team Felix had texted Chan back for a few more days before going radio silent.

The leader thought perhaps the younger has gotten busy, he no longer knew the business of the trainee system since he began preparing for debut. Photo shoots and vocal recordings take up space where there used to be time to relax, managing the 7 members' stress levels was a feat in itself as well.

After some thought Chan decides to keep the ghosting texts to himself. Maybe Felix was distracted, maybe he wanted some space. That was fine... That was okay. Chan can handle that, even if it made his insides twist.

He doesn't want to worry the team by asking them if they have been getting the same treatment, so he stays quiet, silently hoping that they aren't hiding something from him.

Four weeks pass, Chan feels as if he is close to breaking. He wants to find Felix, he wants to go down to the trainee floors and pull him out of his dance practice and make the younger talk to him. Chan wants to hold Felix again and whisper soft english words into his ear, wants to feel the other relax into his embrace as they slowly drift into sleep.

Four week sitting with his thoughts before he is finally approached by Minho after a vocal recording session.

"Has Felix contacted you recently?" Chan startles at the mention of the younger. Minho is in a slight panic, which is unlike his teammate. Chan knows Minho and Felix trained together after their elimination, he figured if anything Felix had stayed in contact with the older.

"He hasn't, I've tried to text and call but I haven't gotten a response." Chan figured the truth was the best option, but Minho seems to become more panicked.

"Chan... I haven't gotten any updates from him in weeks. Trainee evaluations were a few days ago and me and Jisung have been trying to see how he's been doing... but he hasn't answered us... He hasn't answered anyone."

"You talked to the others?" Chan asks, thinking of the other members and how this must be for them.

"No one has gotten a response, we thought you might but..." Minho glances away from the leader. Chan takes the dancers hands and holds them tight.

"I'll figure this out." Minho relaxes at that. Chan smiles, he knows it doesn't reach his eyes. "Make sure the others all get to the dorm? I'll go down now."

Minho nods and takes out his phone, most likely to text the team to meet up for their drive back to the dorm.

Chan waves and leaves the recording studio to find his answers. He knows where to start to find a trainee in the system but his nerves have him second guessing himself. He needs to see Felix now, he knew where the trainee dorms were.

Upon exiting the building the sun had already gone down, the winter air was dry and as Chan made his way down the street he pulled his hoodie up over his ears. The trainee dorms were a 10 minutes walk from JYP, along there were shops thriving and people trying to catch a photo. They still had 2 months before debut and already Chan was hiding his face behind masks and scarfs.

When he reaches the small apartment building Chan buzzes into the dorm he knows would have trainees, the one he and Felix used to live in. A boy answers and the door clicks open. As Chan made his way up the stairs, the door at the top was already open. A few of the trainees are sticking their heads out as Chan reaches the door.

"Hey guys... Is Felix here?" The boys make way for Chan as he enters the room, he kicks off his shoes before taking off his face mask and hood.

They don't answer immediately, the pit in Chan's gut twists again. One of the boys finally speaks up, "Lee Felix?"

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