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Unedited chapter. Sorry for the typos and all the other mistakes na.

- Wan


Techno and Lhong were both planning something to help their friends. The two had investigated their friend's crush like the detectives. And were ready to commence their plan any moment now.

Techno was standing in line at the food stall near the uni. He was thinking of a perfect time that would not seem weird. His tern was still to come so he rather swayed his eyes around, looking for a seat. And his eyes landed upon someone interesting. "Isn't that Mew's best friend?" Techno asked himself. Lhong was sitting alone on a table, playing with his phone with a cup of coffee on the table. Techno rushed his order as he did not want to miss this chance.

All the tables are full! Just in my favor! Techno thought. He walked to where Lhong was sitting. "Umm... can I sit here?" Techno asked. Lhong turned to look at him. "Yeah sure, I could always have some company," Lhong said with a smile. If it was someone else, Lhong would have refused. But it was Gulf Damon's best friend standing right in front of him. How could he let go of this opportunity to make friends with him?

Techno sat in front of Lhong. "I'm Techno. Faculty of Commerce," Techno started the introduction. Lhong beamed another handsome smile, "Lhong from the Faculty of Music." Techno was not sure what to talk about with Lhong. He was still thinking of some topic when he felt someone's presence behind him. Techno turned his head to be greeted by Mew's confused face which was still smiling at him. Mew sure was the best gentleman in the university. He had the aura, the face, the background, and of course, the demeanors.

Mew diverted his gaze to his ridiculously smiling best friend. "Why is there someone else with you!?" Mew asked with his glaring eyes. Mew was an introverted person who never liked the company of anybody other than Lhong, and of course, Turbo. Well, he did not have a choice about Turb, though. And right now, Mew did not understand why Lhong let someone sit with him when Mew had clearly told him that he will be there in five minutes. Lhong smiled back at him cockily. Lhong took his phone and messaged Mew, "He's Gulf's bestie. It's a part of my plan. Don't mess it up." Mew sighed and sat beside Lhong.

"Hello, I'm Mew Astor. Nice to meet you," Mew beamed his handsome smile. This was the smile that captured hearts on such a regular basis. Just one smile and hundreds would lose their hearts at its genuineness and charm. Techno smiled back, "Nice to meet you too. I'm Techno Suttinut." Mew was getting awkward as he never really talked with someone other than Lhong for this long. But he had to do this if he wanted to court Gulf. Lhong caught the pleading look in Mew's eyes. They were getting uncomfortable and were asking for some alone time.

Lhong sighed as he checked the time, "It was nice meeting you, Techno. But now we have a class now." Techno smiled, "Not a problem, I have somewhere to go, too." Mew sighed internally in relaxation. He could finally have some time to just himself. Their classes were over for the day, but Lhong made the excuse so that Mew doesn't throw a fit right there right now. Lhong stood up and gathered his belongings. Then he paused and faced Techno who was waiting for them to leave first. "Let's swap numbers. We can hang out together some time. And yeah, bring your friends too. The more, the merrier," Lhong said with his arm extended to Techno with his phone. Techno smiled wide and exchanged numbers with him, "See you soon na."


Lhong jumped on the comfortable couch the moment he entered. He did not even bother to take off his shoes. Mew made a grumpy face and sat on Lhong who was lying on his stomach.

"The fuck, Astor?!" Lhong yelled as the heavy man dropped all his body weight on him. Mew glared at the man under him who was acting like he just died. Mew gritted his teeth, "Why the fuck didn't you tell me that there was someone with you, eh?" Lhong said in a huffed voice, "It wasn't planned, it just happened! And this is not how you should treat someone who is helping you get your crush!" Mew got up and asked Lhong to scoot over so they could both sit there.

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