Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him

Start from the beginning

Conversation flows all around me then Daniel comes in and comes over to join us, putting a dark cloud over me and my mood.

"How are you liking it so far, Alpha Jesse? I hope everything is to your liking. And how's your room? I gave you the best I have." I scoff internally, why the fuck don't I like him? It was on sight?! It makes no sense!

"It's great thank you. And the room is adequate. I may need a pull out bed if possible. My Brother tends to crash with me and I'd like him to be comfortable." I don't like being respectful to this guy, something tells me he doesn't deserve it. Please fuck off now.

"Of course. I'll have Mark take it to your room. I was hoping we could discuss some pack issues?" Ah fuck me. What could he possibly want.

"What sort of issues?" I ask. He seems taken aback by my question which is yet another thing that is unusual. Then hastily replies

"Maybe in private?"

"What the fuck is he up to, why does he want to see us in private?" Zander says to me

"What's wrong with, here. Now?" I see him grit his teeth. So he's angry now, Good. But why? I really don't want to be in his mind but I decide I need to mind link him to try figure this shit out.

Why does he have to make things so fucking difficult.
"I just think my office would be more comfortable that's all."

"Mark, don't move IT. I can't get him to my office.....NO!....Because I said so........go anywhere near her right now and I'll be punishing you for insubordination........ it will have to wait till everyone's asleep......yeah me too! good, see you soon....oh and put that sofa bed we have in the basement up into the King's room pronto. And make sure it's clean of IT!"

So he's telling his second I'm the King! Interesting as all Alphas are respectful and know not to tell their pack's. It isn't until a King is mated that everyone knows who they are. It's to keep any potential or true mate safe before the mating is complete. That's when we are at our weakest as they will be our priority and mating will solidify our power. Mates make us our strongest self as our essence combine. Which is why Alphas, especially Kings tend to have strong mates. And in the past mates have been killed or taken, never to be seen again. They try to stop us having power or they are greedy and wish to put themselves in the role. But they were always found out. So the law was put in that only Alphas know who the King's are, everyone else believes I'm the Royal Alpha, that im the King's ambassador. Which is what his beta should have been told.

"Sorry, urgent business to attend to. If you'll excuse me." He's being smarmy. How annoying. But thank fuck he's leaving.

"Oh, please. Urgent is urgent. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help" I say with a smile. I know he's talking shit. He nods and off he goes.

"Well that was fucking weird"

"Way to state the obvious there bro! I Really don't fucking like him. I don't like not knowing what he's up to. Has anyone come forward with any information yet?" I ask.
Zander keeps pushing to the surface. I really doesn't like the guy but i'm a reasonable man and Zander wants to put him in his place as he REALLY doesn't like him. And he doesn't know why, there's no reason yet other than he comes across dodgy. Plus all the weird shit in his and everyone's mind.

"It doesn't matter why! There is definitely a reason though. And how about his impertinence or maybe he's revolting against us!"

"Yeah but do you not think you're maybe..... not overreacting but..... you seem to go abit... feral around him, maybe it was a slip of the tounge, he is new to this still in terms of Alpha-ship and wasn't born into it!" not that I'm really disagreeing, I act the same around him, I'm just trying to figure out if maybe he understands it more than I do, he has a better sence about others intentions then I do, I rely on him for his judgement in these type of matters and because I'm worried about how I'm reacting when I don't even know the man or what's happening.

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