Part 52: My father was a duke, of course

Start from the beginning

But Ivy, she's only regarded as a kind noble lady, nothing more or less. 

While my personality is pretty much unknown and undiscussed but have theories about, the respect (or jealousy) others have for me weighs at least ten times more than the amount they have for Ivy. 

That is because of my position, and the power I have following behind me. 

So why, just why did Albert already reveal his relationship with Ivy, and in front of me? 

Did he not think I could use it? 

Oooh, I get it. 

He was telling me that I was just a stupid, little noble girl who wouldn't know how to counter on this. 

I looked to the side. 

Oh, how I couldn't wait to see his defeated face in court. 

But his status as a crown prince was a bit tricky to beat, but I could bring his reputation down a few steps........

Its too early for that, though. 

I simply didn't have enough evidence in my hands to even start a trial in the court. 

I turned to my right side. 

"Elijah, you're still here?" I asked as he floated beside me. 

"Mmmhm. Do you want something from me?" He asked. 

I stared deeply into at him to see any signs of true emotions, but its not like I could really tell. 

"Elijah, what exactly is your goal in this world?" 


"Roselyn, obviously its our contract. If it weren't for your long request, I would have been long gon—" 

"Stop with the acting, Elijah. I can't believe you'd consider me this dumb, as the person who went into a contract with a god such as yourself." 

Silence surrounded the air between us, and its as if we reflected on each other but in stillness and quietude. 

"Well, isn't this the second time you've asked me?" He pouted as the silence broke. 

"Yes, and you've avoided it quite well. Do give me the answer I'm looking for this time?" 

Once again, silence ran through the room. 

"Alright, alright. You're right. But what do you think my motives are? I'd like to hear it from yourself. "

"Well, the first thing that might have made me think was that you only came when I called. At first, I thought it was because of our contract. Then the thought ran through my mind, 'What if you can only come to me when I allow it? What if that contract is what allows it in the first place?'" 

"You said you couldn't destroy the scroll that sealed your name away? Anybody could have seen that there was some sort of limit to your actions in this human world." 

I smirked, "Its almost like that contract is what allowed you to, in the first place." 

"And so I thought, 'What if this contract that removes that limit is the whole reason you made a contract with me in the first place?' It wasn't a bad idea, since we both had something to gain from. The fact that I would receive your help for the whole plot while I only gave you something that measly in return didn't sound right. You didn't sound like the type to care whether we remembered you or not." 

I looked at him with a curious glint in my eyes. 

"Whenever I call for your name, you come immediately. But you disappear as you wish, don't you? However, I felt like today's experiment proved that right and wrong at the same time. I called you out to ask your motive, but you gave me a simple yet reasonable answer." 

I don't feel like Elijah was lying about caring about this world, but there was certainly more to it.

"How exactly did you come back," flashbacks to my crying state came to me, "after I finished discussing with Albert? I don't remember thinking of you a single time, yet you were beside me. You had disappeared until that moment." 

This proved that whenever I called him, he had a certain limit of time he could stay until being called again. 

According to my calculations, that time had to be at least 20 minutes. 

But what did he do with that extra time? 

He had to do something, and that something was the exact objective I was trying to find. 

"Roselyn, I'll have to admit.........You're too narrowminded." 

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