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"Hey, Ollie

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"Hey, Ollie. So, I know we haven't really had the chance to talk for awhile and it's a really dickish move to call you after not talking to you in forever and ask for help but...I really really need help." Luna said over the phone as she walked down the hallway of S.T.A.R Labs only for Oliver to chuckle in return.

"What's wrong?" He asked and she sighed.

"Okay but you can't talk to my team about this, okay? They're all a wreck and they don't need more problems."

"Okay...what is it?"

"You know how you mentioned that you knew a guy who knew how like ghosts and demons worked?"

"Yeah, John Constantine. He's a demonologist."

"Oh, good. That's good. I need his help. Could I have like his phone number or-"

"Why do you need a demonologist's help?"

"I'm not gonna be able to give you details until I have the demonologist so..."

"Yeah, okay, where do you want him to meet you."

"Uh, Saints and Sinners in Central City."

"Okay, I'll let him know."

"Thank you, Ollie."

"Mhm." He said before hanging up and she sighed before walking into Cisco's lab to see Barry speed reading books.

"Barry." She said but he ignored her causing her to sigh. "I get it."

"No you don't." He said and she shook her head.

"It might not have been with Wells or Jay but I did have a mentor that...wasn't who I thought he was."

"All Harry did was yell at you, Luna. It's not the same thing."

"One, ow. Two, that's not what I was referring to."

"Sorry, I- sorry." He said as he turned around to face her.

"It's okay. But I really do get it, Barr. I'm here if you wanna talk, okay?"

"Okay, thank you."

"Always." She said before her phone buzzed.

Ollie: He's there

"I have to go take care of something, I'll be back later." She said before walking out.

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