Legends of Yesterday

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"A bunch of superheroes in a farmhouse? I feel like I've seen that in a movie before." Thea said as Caitlin helped Luna out of the car.

"Yes, I will. I promise, Lenny." Luna said over the phone as Caitlin wrapped an arm around her waist. "Okay, I love you, bye." She said before hanging up. "I have to call Lenny every hour so him and Li know I'm okay."

"He was really worried." Caitlin said as Thea grabbed some bags out of the cars.

"He always is when it comes to me and Li."

"We need a secure location." Oliver said as he climbed out of the car.

"What's wrong with S.T.A.R Labs?" Caitlin asked and Luna shook her head.

"You don't want him to answer that, Snowy and before you say anything, Oliver, me and Cisco are working on it." Luna said and Oliver chuckled.

"Well, absolutely nothing is wrong with S.T.A.R Labs if you forget about the revolving door that you guys installed so the bad guys can come and go as they please." Oliver said and Luna rolled her eyes.

"We didn't install that, Wells did." She said and Oliver gave her a look. "....And we all signed off on it because we thought we could trust him at the time."

"He's not Wells. I am." Harry said as he took Luna's bag from her.


"Remind me again what happened to your old lair or the one before that?" Caitlin said and Luna smiled.

"Well, lair number one was compromised by the police." Felicity said and Oliver gave her a look as Caitlin smiled. "...And I will stop helping."

"Savage only let me, Barry, and Luna live because he felt Kendra start to emerge as Hawkgirl and went after her." Oliver said as he handed Luna, who was only standing because she was being supported by Caitlin, her crutches. "He can sense her and Carter's presence. We don't need to make it easier on him by staying in the city's limits."

"Right, so, I have a lot of questions." Luna whispered to Caitlin and Caitlin smiled.

"I'll explain when we get inside." Caitlin whispered back and Luna smiled before giving her a chaste kiss.

"We need to find a way to neutralize Savage's advantage." Oliver said as they walked into the house and Caitlin helped Luna into a chair. "Barry, you're late." He said as Barry and Cisco walked in and Luna smirked.

"You act like that's not a normal thing for him." Luna said and Barry rolled his eyes.

"Sorry. It turns out it's not easy as finding the ass end of nowhere." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

"Yeah, for real. The roaming charges alone are gonna bankrupt me." Cisco said and Luna rolled her eyes.

"You act like you're not friends with two super-rich people." Luna said and Oliver genuinely smiled.

"See, I told you, you'd like her." Felicity whispered as she nudged Oliver's shoulder.

"We're discussing how to take away Savage's new-found power." Oliver said and Luna nodded.

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