Chapter 2

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The brothers watched as how Yui's childhood went, she studied, learned how to hunt and play. Then it got to when she was 16 years old.

"Mom, where are you going."

"I'm going to meet with your grandfather, he wants me there to help the city but we don't know how long. And I was wondering do you want to come?"

Yui thought about it and thought it was time to be on her own. "I think I can take care of myself mom."

"So you're staying here. In the castle by yourself." Yuri said.

"I was thinking going to the city."

"You know I don't know when I will be back, right?"

"Mom you taught me how to take care of myself. I'm 16, I don't want you to worry anymore."

"Ok. Keep this with you, whenever you want me to be there I will." said Yuri handing Yui a silver cross with a pink crystal.

"The cross was from her mother?" asked Kanato.

"Ok mom." To two hugged goodbye and then Yuri teleported to where the brothers don't even know.

Yui looks at the cross teleported to her bedroom and started packing her things. She went into her human form which looks like the one the brothers know her in.

Then she got some money that she was saving which is a lot. Yui went outside and teleported to the city with her stuff and walks to a motel and signs herself in and the lady gives her a key.

Then the screen turns black.

"Yui had a wonderful childhood." said Kanato holding his teddy.

"Now that's a real parent." said Shu.

"I wonder how she survived. Like did she even drink blood." said Saburu curiously.

"No. When she's in human form she kinda turns off any of her vampire form if she wants them on then she'll turn them on."

"Little bitch is sneaky I'll give her that. But I'm still curious of why she didn't tell or shown us." said Latio.

"If I think correctly she probably wanted to spend more time as human or she wanted you to figure out."

"How were we going to figure out she's a vampire! She's a good actor, she acts, smells, eat, and looks human." frustrated Ayato pointed out.

"Now since you mentioned acts, she probably was faking being scared, tired, faints, and us bitting into her." said Reji realizing things.

"Yes that could be. But I got a question for you boys? Has any of you lost something that was makes you feel good and you found evidence of someone that did it? Like an object."

The brothers thought about Rachel's question and they did lose something of theirs that someone did.

"Yeah I got one. When Laito BURNED ONE OF MY WAX DOLL!" screamed Kanato hold his teddy tight as he glares at his brown-red haired brother.

"I told you already! I didn't do it. I should say the same as Saburu when he burnt one of my fedora's." said Laito glaring at his white haired brother.

"I didn't do it!" defensive Sabaru.

"I found a strained of your hair. That proves it."

"I found a strain of your hair when you burned my wax doll!"

"I found a strain of Reji's hair when he shredded my red tie!" Ayato said angrily.

"And I found a strain of your hair when you ripped the papers out of s book I was reading." Reji raised his voice.

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