Chapter 10

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It's been a month since Ayato proposed and the brothers been real nice. Shu would let Yui listen to his music, Reji making more experiments, Playing the piano with Laito, singing and having a tea party with Kanato and walking and talking in the rose garden with Subaru.

Ayato and Yui confirmed they will get married in four months which is when the brothers graduate night high school.


Yui was in the game room by herself playing darts, it's been quiet and she likes the quiet.

Then she smells someone familiar.

"Didn't think you would be here by yourself." Ayato said.

"Just wanted some piece and quiet."

Ayato wraps his arms around her waist, moving her hair to kiss her neck.

"Does your family know we're getting married?"

"No just letting them get done unpacking before a drop a boom on them."

"Are they moving back to Eden?"


"No? What, I thought that was your only house."

"Nope. I got like what five more houses, it's just Eden is the main house/castle and the others got build."

"Well that's good to know."

"What you want to see them or something?"

"Maybe next time or something but I have school." Ayato said with a bored face and Yui knows what he's trying to do.

"I'm not taking you out of school."

"Oh come on Yui, why?"

"Cause you need it."

Ayato face turned into a oh no you didn't.

"I said it, you have four months you'll be fine."

"It's not fair that you get to drop out of school and I don't."

"Cause I don't need it Ayato. Now suck it up."


Yui glares at him making him shut his mouth.

"Now I'm going out, I'll be right back." Yui said teleporting to her room.


Ayato follows Yui in her room watching her go through her wardrobe.

"Where are you going?"

"Out. Have to help with some things."

Yui takes out a red dress to the knees out and matching flat heels.

"I'm meeting with my family Ayato, I'll be back in a hour." Yui said kissing his cheek but Ayato wanted one on the lips, so she kissed him on the lips.

Yui left heading to her other family mansion.


Yui made it to the other mansion this one was white and black with the modern them. Going up the steps knocking on the door, her aunt Rebekah opened the door.

"Hey aunt Rebekah."

"Hey Yui come on in."

Yui walks inside and went to the living room which wasn't far from the entrance.

"I'm back." Yui said.

"Oh what took you so long?" Emmit joked.

"It took five minutes."

"Luckily we don't have that much to do now just in case some of us get lazy." Yuri said looking at her little brothers.

"Before we do anything I have an announcement." Yui said getting her family's attention. "I'm getting married."

The woman squeals cheering hugging Yui giving her congratulations. Will herr unlocks was locked in shocked jaws to the floor.

"Aren't you four going to congratulate Yui." Ezgi glares at her brothers.

"My sweet niece is getting married!" Thomas cried.

"She's no baby no more!" Nick cried.

"Then she's going to have a baby!" Jason cried.

The four brothers eyes widen before they cried, "Oh no!"

The ladies look at the men really.


Yui came back after three hours of decorating, moving and stocking she wanted to take a shower and go to bed.

Going in her room Ayato was sitting on her bed facing the door.

"Aren't you suppose to be sleep." Yui said taking of her shoes.

"We just got back from school." Ayato said.

"Okay, I'm gonna take a shower."

Yui walks in her bathroom.

"You not going to ask me to join you?" Ayato asked leaning against the door frame.


Ayato and Yui got in the shower, Ayato started kissing her neck wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I told my family we're getting married."

"And what did they say?"

"My mom and aunts was really happy but my uncles was big babies. Crying then pasted out when they started thinking about me having a baby."

Ayato laughs.

"Oh I wish I was there to see their reactions."

Yui kiss him.

"It was funny and uncalled for."

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