A simple door even stood out so much compared to the male.


A few minutes of silence passed without a thing to disrupt it.


Eventually, Nagito reached out his hand for the metal door knob and turned it open, breathing in the familiar scent rain and wind. A breeze and chill was evident in the room as well.

He had forgotten to shut the window before he went out. It was wide open, the silk curtains flapping wildly as air and water blew in, making his hair go in all sorts of different directions. It looked like something out of a horror movie, with the wind howling and the bright flashes.

His eyes stung from the force that the air came in.

Nagito made a mental note to keep his window open more often.

He stepped up to the window and shut it down with a loud bang. And just like that, his room felt uninhabited once again. It was all so still.

After tying his curtains up properly, Nagito flicked on the light switch and looked around. It was all the same. The same twin-sized bed in the corner with messed up navy bedsheets, the same night stand with a lamp that fuzed out half the time, the same coarse bristled pattern rug that fit in the center of the room, and the same wooden closet on the right with barely any clothes.

All in all, the only thing that Nagito could deem as different was the temperature in the room.

But even that started going back to its normal state.

Throwing his book bag over to the bed with a soft thud, his attention transferred to a light sound coming from the inside of his pocket, along with a subtle vibration.


He retrieved his phone from his pocket—which was surprisingly untouched by all the water and rain—and the Lock Screen lit up as if on cue.

Nagito saw a notification pop up once more, along with four more before it. He didn't have many contacts on his phone, most of which the only contacts he had were from stores and partners for school projects.

Though, he did have one that was used more frequently than the rest.

Nagito? Did you go somewhere? You're usually home by 4:00. Did something happen?
Chiaki, a student that was in charge of showing him around Hope's Peak Academy when he first enrolled in the school. They transferred numbers just in case he needed help with anything else, but lately it's become more.

Like they were actually friends.

Nagito pitied anyone that was friends with him, not that anyone was in the first place. So for the sake of Chiaki, he didn't consider her anything more than an acquaintance.

He smiled at the thought of someone actually caring about him.


Ah, Chiaki! I can't believe you out of all people is caring about such lowlife trash like me, the Ultimate Gamer and considered that way by the whole school..

Nagito, stop thinking that way.


Anyway, where were you all this time? I started texting you at 3:50! It's been a few hours since then.

Well, if you really wanna know..


Don't tell me. I think I've got it. Did you get bullied after school again?

Ding, ding, ding! Wow, as expected from Chiaki..

Great, you got tricked somehow. Explain.

Is it really that important? You should be worrying about other things rather than me.

Just explain, Nagito.

Nagito could practically hear the annoyance in the text just by reading it.

Alright, alright. Well, I got a text from Tsumiki at the school infirmary. The school nurse wasn't present that day, correct? So everyone assumed that Tsumiki would be taking her place. Including me. Ah, how stupid of me. Even the lowest creature would have the potential for being smarter.

Well, she said I had some untreated wounds. That was understandable, since I actually did. Long story short, I went over to school. Tsumiki was never present. Oh, but how pleasant that time was! Getting beaten and used as something more than what I was intended..

Nothing was said for a while. Nagito could tell that the person behind the other phone screen was pondering on what words to say. He wondered why, though, because she was always a person with a sharp mind, not including her ever inducing moments of slumber.

But then that thought of what to say stopped all together.
You're asleep, aren't you, Chiaki?

Yes, I'm finally done with the first chapter! I don't write very often, so apologies if the writing and use of grammar is rather stiff. Hajime will be presented in the next chapter or the chapter after that, so stay tuned! ;)
Some things to clear out of the way:
1. Yes, Nagito has glasses. I think it will just add on with the plot of this story, and as it progresses, I hope you agree as well!
2. Hope's Peak Academy, in this AU, is just a simple high school. Of course, people do get labeled by Ultimates, but I like to think of that as an inside joke the students make with each other.
I hope you enjoyed! Next chapter will hopefully not be delayed to much. xD

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