Sophie's jaw almost hit the ground beneath her feet, hearing that name shocked her. Adeline could tell the witches were telling the truth and had no hand in resurrecting the witch.

"Klaus." Adeline whispered. "They didn't know."

Klaus looked at his wife, studying her face and without words he knew she was sure about this, he knew she just knew. He trusted Adeline, like no one he ever had before.

"The Hallow is back?" Sophie trembled.

"Yes." Adeline nodded. 'And if you didn't bring he or she back, who did?"

"You would have to be extremely powerful to bring someone like the Hallow back." she huffed, She was thinking of who could have done this.

"Sophie." A young witch whispered. "The Ninth Ward."

The Ninth ward was a coven of witches who were rumored to be holed up somewhere outside the quarter. No one knew if they were real or myth because none of them had been seen in years but they were said to be one of the most powerful covens at one time.

"It could have been the Ninth Ward Coven. We have been hearing rumors lately that they have appointed a new regent, a powerful one. " Sophie Informed.

"Where can I find these witches?" Klaus snarled.

"That's the issue-- they stay hidden. I wouldn't know." Sophie strugged.

The anger was growing in Klaus. He hated witches more now than anything.

"You're going to have to do better than that if you don't want me to kill you Sophie." He shouted.

"Klaus I don't--" she started but he stuck his hand up to her signaling for her ot be quiet and answered his phone.

"What Rebekah!" He answered.

"Klaus you need to hurry here-- the Hallow shes... she's here!" Rebekah panted and the phone clicked, ending the call.

"We need to go." Klaus panicked and the group took off for the car.

The road flew beneath the tires of the car— everything was like a blur. Klaus's hands were wrapped so tightly around the wheel his knuckles were white. He turned down the long dirt driveway, spewing rocks behind him.

Everyone dashed into the house, using our vamp speed. Hope ran to her parents, jumping into their arms.

"Mom! Dad!" She panted. "There's a lady here— she says she is here for me but she's not very nice, I can tell daddy."

Klaus always told Hope to watch our for suspicious people, he taught her what to look for. He knew he had made a lot of enemies, and maybe some of them would come for her.

"It's okay baby, we are here." Adeline assured Hope, trying to keep their daughter calm. "Where aunt Bekah?"

"Right here." A voice called out, walking into the room holding Rebekah and Marcel. It was the one they called the hollow and Mikayla.

"Mikayla." Adeline snarled pushing Hope behind her.

"Are you really that obsessed with me love? I mean come on it's been centuries— I'm just not that into you." He mocked.

Adeline laughed under her breath and Mikayla tightened her clutch on Rebekah.

"I want to know!" Mikayla yelled.

"Know what?" Klaus questioned.

"Why her? After centuries alone— why her?" She asked. I don't know if Adeline ever truly knew the answer to that question. All she knew is that it was undeniable between them— it always had been.

"Because she's my soulmate. I knew from the moment I looked at her." He admitted. "And I never EVER felt that with anyone else."

Mikayla rolled her eyes, looking at Adeline with disgust. It was jealousy. I guess if you spend your whole immortal life chasing after someone only to find into they would never love you— it probably messes you up.

"Think it would strain your relationship if your child died?" She smirked. "Or your sister? Could you ever be happy again after that? Because I don't think you could."

That's what she wanted. If she couldn't get what she wanted and be happy, she wanted to make sure that Klaus was miserable too. But she should have known this wouldn't work out for her.

Adeline took matters into her own hands, using her vamp speed to dash across the room where Mikayla was holding Rebekah. She punched a hole into her chest and Mikayla gasped, shocked at the sudden action. Adeline smirked and dropped her heart onto the floor, letting it splat on the hardwood.

"I'd been waiting years for that." She admitted, turning her attention back to her husband who was giving his wife a devilish, proud smirk.

"Thank God that bloody wench is finally out of our hair." Rebekah sighed, rubbing her neck where she was just held.

"Now onto you— Hollow." Klaus focused his attention.

"You think that proved something to me?" She scoffed.

"I don't need to prove anything to you. I am the alpha male here." He smirked. "You and I both know I could kill you within seconds. So let's just skip the theatrics and get to the part where you are dead."

"I don't care about you and anything your happiness. Mikayla and I were not on the same page about that. I care about the magical power you carry— more importantly what your daughter carries." Hollow explained.

"What could mine nor my daughters power mean to you?" Klaus questioned.

"The more powerful the creature I kill, the stronger I get. Killing an original or a Tribrid would make me unstoppable." She explained.

Klaus laughed under his breath. Adeline stared at the Hollow, listening to her closely.

"Theres one snag in your plan love— I cannot be killed." He growled stepping forward. "I am immortal."

She shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. Klaus didn't find her amusing— neither did Adeline. They needed to end her before she had a chance to do anything to hope.

"I know, that's why I have other plans." She smirked . This made Klaus boil with rage— this was it for her. He wasn't going to let her live another second. He dashed across the room and bit into her neck, then punched into her chest ripping out her heart. Before they had a chance to celebrate her death, a blue light shot out of the Hollows chest and darted like a laser, straight into Hope. She gasped for air and then passed out.

"What the hell just happened?!" Adeline yelled, she rushed to Hopes side, scooping her into her lap. She stroked her hand through her strawberry blonde hair.

Klaus was staring at Mikayla and The Hollows dead body, then back at his daughters unconscious one, laying on his wife Everyone in the room was confused staring with wide eyes, they had never seen anything like that, but then they had never met anyone like the Hollow.

"I'm— I'm not sure." Klaus breathed.

Even the thousand year old Hybrid couldn't explain what just happened but they knew, it probably had something to down with the Hollows plan.

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