Chapter 5-Kyoshi Island 2

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Sam woke up with a smile on her face dhe made it to kyoshi island and can feel at home again. She got up and streched out her arms and sighed. "Morning love." She said with a smiled rubing her belly and left to get into a green dress summer dress. The sleeves had cuts at the top showing the shoulders and a elestic that allowed room for her belly.

Sam walked to the bathroom and grabbed a old hair brush, "This looks familiar" She looked at the brush closely and saw it had the name 'Sam' engraved into the brush handle. She smiled and hugges the brush and quickly brushed her brown locks.She decided to braid sides of her hair and put it up into a high ponytail.

She walked downstairs towards the kitchen and made herself some toast and used some jam she found in the cupboards. She sat down and started eating when a knock at the door came. She got up and opened the door too see Suki at the door with a box. "Hey, sorry if i was interrupting, i just wanted to bring a box of donuts to welcome you home!" She said smiling. I smiled back at her "Awe your too kind thank you! Would you like to come in?" I said holding the door for her.

She looked at me with a smile "Sure i have some spare time" She said walking in. "This place looks so nice!" She said looking around. I smiled at her putting the boxes down on the kitchen counter. "I know right? When you showed this to me i didn't expect it to be so clean and be filled with fresh food." I said getting plates to give me and her a donut. She smiled at me and nods "I always forget that Kyoshi asked that they kept this uouse nice if you were to ever come back or visit kyoshi island so thats what we did!".

Sam looks at her and smiled giving her the plate, "Well you guys do a great job!" Sam said setting her plate down and streching her back. As Sam sat down she asked "Hows the kyoshi warrior training going?" She looks at me a little upset "It's not going so well, our trainer left us and i was picked to help train, And I'm probably not doing what i should be doing." She says near the end laughing of embarrassment. I pat her shoulder and smiled, "If you want i can come over today and help train you guys, see what i can help with!" I said happily.

She looked at me with a big smile, "Really!?" I looked at her and chuckled a bit "Yes of course!" We quickly ate our donuts and left for the training room. I saw about 10 other girls wearing outfits simillar to my mothers outfit. The only thing different was the headress and some didn't wear gloves. They all bowed to me with respect as i did the same. "Hello, most of you know me as Sam, if not well i just said my name." I said smiling. "I was given an opportunity to watch you guys train and see if i could help you with anything!" The warriors clapped and went to their spots in the back of Suki.

I sat in front of suki as they started doing a traditional warrior dance. I smiled knowing the dance. i watched as some of the girls were off beat or forgetting the dance, i lookes at them and stands up and starts doing the dance with them. Suki stopped dancing and watched how i did it and restarted doing it with more grace.

Once i stopped every girl didn't realize i was done and were repeating the dance for a while. I smiled watching them they were getting better already. "You did great guys! I already see a difference" They all stopped and bowed "Thank you Sam" They said, not in union but that is fine. "You guys have been doing great, just remeber to try to keep in unison it will help when fighting, especially with the fans!" They smiled and left for a break.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes "Man, i didn't remeber this dance being so tiring." Suki laughed and pat my back "Sam your also pregnant." I laughed and rubbed my neck and changed from a happy face to a sad face. Suki looked at me and frowned, "I'm sorry did i say something wrong?" I looked at her and gave her a fake smile "No, you didn't say anything wrong. Im just a little stressed." I smiled and left to get some lunch.

I rubbed my belly and sang a lullaby rengi sang to me when i couldn't sleep or was upset.

"There once was a ship that put to sea
The name of the ship was the billy of tea.
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down.
O blow, my bully boys, blow.

Soon my the savior come to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day when the tyrant is done, we'll take our love and go."

I finished singing the lullaby and put the sandwhich down to eat. I started eating and felt a cold breeze upon me. I looked up and saw a smiling Kyoshi.
"You came here, i missed you." I looked up at her surprised and upset. "Yes i came back, but rhen realized its been 650 YEARS since I've been in that portal!" I yelled at her ghost. She frowned and sat down on a pretend chair. "I know... i didn't mean to i spent years trying to get you out, till i found out a spirit put a spell on the portal that you wont come out for 650 years." Tears came down her cheeks and she quickly whiped them off. "I hated myself for not getting you out..." She touched my shoulder "I didn't even know how that world would treat you, and i can't believe you had to endure all that pain and suffering." I looked up at her wanting to hug her but my hands went through her, "I know.. im sorry i got mad, i love you." I looked up at her and smiled, she smiled back and her ghost left.

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