W who are you?

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Steve's p.o.v

Steve wasn't doing so well he was home in bed and he had been since the kids left at "well what are we going to do"? Said a girl from the other side of the room "We are not going to do anything but YOU will go back to the video store robin" he said in a demanding tone and a hint of kindness which he hated but he could not help it they had been threw so much together. 

Robin shot him a glare than stood up straight "i have an idea" she said happily "hmm" moaned Steve, he fell back onto the bed in defeat "well we could always go work for Mrs. byers" robin mumbled. Steve sat up "what do you mean Mrs. byers moved you nitwit" Robin smiled and walked over to him "did you not hear she's just got here today because she now owns the store the original owner past" Steve sat up and almost fell out of bed robin laughed he took  a pillow and hit her over the head. So that means wills back in town he thought happily than he remembered something his smile faded and he groaned falling back onto the pillow. Robin looked at him in worry "are you alright Steve" He was fine in a way "yay I'm fine" Robin looked at him in a way that said yay sure cause you don't look fine. He sighed and sat up a little "if Mrs. byers is back that means Jonathan is which means Nancy and him are going to get back together and I'm going to be the third wheel and that is going to be boring" he said half talking to himself half talking to himself than when he was thinking there was a knock on the door. He looked at robin than he slowly got up the door rang again he walked down stairs and opened the door there was a big black figure in the door way he stepped back and robin appeared at the door " W who are you" he stuttered the figure didn't say again he just swayed back and fourth robin stepped IN front of him and her voice was much stronger "who are you he asked" the figure collapsed Robin ran forward and gasped Steve walked closer and he gasped the person laying in front of him his face was bloody and his clothes' where red it was "BILLY" Steve yelled Robin looked at him and than slowly they picked him an layed him on the couch. Robin ran to get the medicine kit while Steve got a wet cloth and started dabbing the wounds seconds later Robin came back with the medicine kit Steve slowly lifted up Billy's shirt on Robins commanded. He turned a bright red as he looked at Billy's musculer chest.  After about 15 minutes  Billy was wrapped up Steve's eyes felt heavy and he fell asleep.  


HEHE gay alert wonder what happend :(  :0


I was never meant to fall for you [harringrove]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora