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billy's p.o.v 

Billy woke up it was 7:15 "damnit" he yanked the sheets off of him he was always supposed  to be up before his sister. He quickly yanked some pants on and a shirt then boulted into his sisters room "max" he said quietly ever since the incident he had cared for his sister a lot more. But of course his sister had to push it he strutted over to max and leaned down next to her hair and very gently poked her in the cheek. She jumped up five feet in the air he burst out laughing and max hit him over the head with a pillow "GET OUT OF MY ROOM" he barely could stand but he managed to make it to the door. 

The second his foot was out into the hallway he was almost hit by the door "hey watch it dipshit" he half yelled half laughed. When he pulled himself together he got his keys and waited by the door max came down wearing a red backpack jeans and a red short sleeved shirt. "lets go" he looked around and stuck his head out the door he sighed his father was gone. He stepped out and moved over to let max pass when max gout the door he closed it and locked the door then he got into the car. He got into the car and pulled out a cigrate  lit it and started driving.

When he got to school he was instantly surrounded by the cows of the school the Hawkins middle high  girls. They where giggling it made him want to vomit they all just wanted to get in his pant's. He rolled his eyes and pushed threw the crowd and walked over to his annoying "friends". He pretended to listen "isn't that right Billy" said the annoying tommy.h "hmmm"? He said trying to hint he didn't really care but tommy couldn't  take a hint to save his life. "Steve is so weird did you hear he's still hanging out with those  little kids" that got his attention he smirked. After what he went threw with those kids they certainly where not little kids they had been threw more then any adult had. "yay that's how Steve gets his money he babysits little assholes to get money i heard his parents are never home cause the don't want him" said tommy's ugly girlfriend Chloe. 

"why don't they want him i thought he was the perfect son" he made quotation marks with his hands  tommy smirked and leaned closer "he's no perfect son he is a fucking fag" and that's when the one  and only Steve walked in tommy his smirk grew bigger and started walking towards him.


I hope you enjoyed this i will update this tomorrow please tell me if you have any ideas ❤     

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