chapter 3: the one that got away

Start from the beginning

This is Cha Hyunjin's girlfriend. Stop sending my boyfriend voice mails. Just so you know, I'm deleting them. Please don't contact him again.

A piercing scream comes out of my throat even as the door opens, revealing a shocked Seungyeon. It goes on for almost a minute until my throat dries up.

“What in the world happened?” Seungyeon asks, tossing me a bottled water.

I gulp it to the last drops.

“Calm down. Ohmygod. You look like someone who drunk texted their ex.” She says and the water goes up my nostrils I almost died.

Her eyes widen, rubbing my back as I cough and then she starts laughing. “Ohmygod, you did!”

“Kill me.” I tell her when I could finally breathe again.

“Can't. I'm already in so much trouble. I don't need a murder scandal next to the bullying scandal.”

“Wait,” I look around again. “What the hell is this place? Did you kidnap me?”

Seungyeon snorts. “Again, I don't need a kidnapping scandal.”

“Seungyeon! Why the heck did I sleep here and how are you here?”

She blinks, smiling sheepishly. “This is our new home.”

“My head is going to explode.”



“Hey, uh, Hyunjin-ah. Umm... I don't know why I'm sending this voice mail. I guess it's because we ended things so badly and we haven't spoken to each other since then. I just want to say I'm sorry. I know it's been so long and it probably doesn't mean a thing now but I still want to say I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I turned you down on that proposal. I'm sorry that I never knew I wasn't ready until you were there asking those words to me.

It's insane because sometimes I still think about you and I think I miss you but I also think I don't have the right to feel those things. Not after what I did.

I hope you're doing well. I really do. And thank you for the last three years that you've been in my life. That's... that's really all I have to say.”



“Seunghee, where are you? Don't you dare ditch me on my wedding day.” I'm in Seungyeon's car and Yujin, her manager, is giving me a ride home when I got a call from my college friend, Eunbin.

Holy shit. Right. Right. I'm supposed to go on a wedding today. After yesterday's drinking session with Seungyeon and Yeeun, and in between me and my head going through the fact that I signed a contract with a real estate agent that I'm moving into a new apartment with my best friends, and trying to figure out what the heck did I say in my drunk voicemail sent to my ex, and that my ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend nowㅡit has left my mind that today is Eunbin's wedding day.

“IIIII'm on my waaaay!” I look at my wrist watch. “I'm definitely on my way.” I repeat. Who am I kidding?

“You better! I need you here. We're taking pictures with the bridesmaids in about twenty minutes.”

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