Chapter 2 Fondage For Bondage...

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I woke up the next morning shooting upright in the mattress and remembering about the night before. I scrambled out of bed and rushed down to my reliable computer and was astonished to see that she had replied earlier this morning. In my head I had an alarm bell go off shouting 'Get in there' and I opened up her message...

Hi James, my name is Leila. No need to apologize about the lateness of your message,  I would love to meet up and talk. When you next reply, please send me the details of where and when we should meet. 

Many thanks, Leila."

I knew that if I was going to control her, she needed be dressed how I wanted her and to be very obedient. So, I decided to reply..

“I'd like you to meet me wearing a short black dress, with fishnet tights, black stiletto shoes and clean white knickers.”

Within a blink of a second, another reply comes through and I reveal what's inside...

Wow, that's abit much.. I'll see what I can pull out of my wardrobe. Where and when? Leila x"

My mind drifts in thought at where we should go, so I choose 'The Cock Inn' a small pub that I have been to many times from it's delicious food and memorable service, not just that but it was in bang smack in the middle of our distance apart. I message her back...

I want you to answer me saying sir at the end of your reply in message and face to face. No answering back and you don't respond unless you are being spoken to. If you don't follow the rules. You will be punished. Meet me at The Cock Inn at 8pm this saturday. James.”

I press 'enter' on the keyboard and hoping that she won't back out or retaliate which will really annoy me.

I walk away from the laptop hoping that I'll get a “Yes sir“ response so, I take a shower taking a glance at my ageing and permanant creases across my forehead. I shook up my (Robert De Niro style of hair) that was straight, thin and drastically becoming silver  and dress myself before I come back down and see the well hoped for message...

“Yes sir. Leila xx”

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