Zayn was sprawled back in the booth with his arms around his girlfriend (of almost two years), Myra. Zayn was chatting lazily to Louis, the pair having grown much closer over the last few years. In fact, Zayn had practically stole Harry’s place as best friend, the two sometimes inseparable - whenever Louis wasn’t joined at the hip of Joe (McElderry). And yeah, that latter friendship had been a surprise to Liam. Four years ago and Liam would have said there was little common ground between the two – Joe, shy and quiet and perhaps a little boring, Louis loud, noisy and wild. But, over time and with a lot of meetings at different events, a firm friendship between the two had been forged. Now, Louis absolutely adored the Geordie, so much so that Liam sometimes wondered if there was something more going on between the two.

That just left the youngest member of the band, Harry. In the picture, Harry sat in the chair next to Louis but the half metre between them might as well have been several miles. Harry was listening into Niall and Aiden’s conversation but it was clear his mind was miles away. He looked miserable and lonely; the only expressions he’d worn on his face since Louis’s 21st. Liam had never asked what happened that night but he could guess. Harry had probably admitted to having feelings for Louis and Louis had rejected him.

Why Louis might have rejected Harry Liam couldn’t fathom because Liam was 100% convinced Louis had had a crush on the curly haired singer too. Whatever the reason was, Liam knew it was an important reason because Louis had stuck to it firmly – even though Harry was obviously hurting. If there was one thing Louis hated doing most in the world, that was hurting Harry. Therefore, the reason was definitely one that really mattered.

The others could only watch in dismay as Harry had withdrawn into himself – slowly spiralling into the dangerous territory Simon had forewarned.

Many times Liam had tried to figure out what Louis’s reason might have been but he really couldn’t come up with anything. He’d never asked because he knew Louis would never tell him. But still… Niall and himself were living proof that a relationship within a band could work.

The saddest part of the situation was Louis still always had time for Harry, always spared affection for his younger friend, painfully obvious in trying to keep Harry close but Harry seemed to struggle to appreciate it – like receiving any affection from Louis was painful in itself.

“What you doing?” a voice rumbled in his ear and Liam smiled, leaning backwards into Niall’s warm embrace.

“Just sorting out some photographs,” he replied.

Niall nosed his temple affectionately and Liam turned his head to share a soft but lingering kiss. When they pulled back, Niall reached down and pointed at the old picture, “Jesus, we’ve changed so much – I can’t believe how blond I was – my head looks radioactive there!”

Liam laughed, “Yeah, and look how angsty I was back then. I look proper miserable!”

“But you looked so purdy with your sad face,” Niall teased, playfully rubbing his stubbled cheek against Liam’s, “plus, in this picture you had an excuse.”

“Oh yeah,” Liam smiled, turning around in seat and having to crane his neck up to meet his boyfriends sparkling grey eyes, “what was that?”

Niall smirked, “You were pining for me!”

Liam laughed, throwing his head back and Niall smiled down at him fondly. He then leaned down and Liam met him in another kiss, hooking his arm around Niall’s neck and pulling him down into it. He moaned quietly as Niall’s fingers raked into his hair. God, three years passed and Niall could still turn him on with the slightest touch.

“Ugh, you guys are sickeningly cute. Excuse me while I go and throw up.”

Liam and Niall broke apart and turned to see Harry grimacing in the doorway, pulling his coat off.

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