Chapter 1 - Nine Tailed Fox

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October 10- Naruto's Birth

Minato was with Kushina helping her give birth to Naruto. "AAARRHGAA" Kushina said in pain Minato was holding kushina's hand to try to comfort her. "few more push Kushina i can see the head!" The nurse said. Naruto was now out of the womb Kushina was panting "Good job Kushina" the nurse took Naruto and cleaned him after cleaning him the nurse showed Kushina her baby. 

Minato POV~

Minato sense some evil chakra coming closer to them. Then a man appeared and suddenly grabbed Naruto out of Kushina's Hands. The baby started crying "Hand the Kushina to me or the baby will die" The mysterious man said. Minato suddenly teleported behind the man and slashed a kunai into him 'What? the kunai just passed through him' he thought. Then the man placed Naruto on the table and tried to stab Naruto. Minato teleported and caught Naruto but the man suddenly disappeared in a vortex. The man was now right next to Kushina. The man sucked Kushina in his vortex then disappeared again.

No ones POV~

Luckily before the man teleported Minato put a jutsu that allows him to teleport to the mans location. Minato was now facing the Man getting ready to fight. Kushina was right next to the man unconscious. "Who are you?" Minato asked the man expecting not to get an answer. "Im Madara Uchiha" The man said before rushing towards Minato. Minato readied a Rasengan and aimed for his mask. The Rasengan went through it again. And then suddenly Minato teleported in where the Hiraishin Kunai is and then the Rasengan hit the man. But the man was barely affected by it. "Its been long when someone hit me like that" The man said the Sharingan in his eyes are visible. Before Minato could say something the man disappeared taking Kushina with him.

Mysterious Man POV~

The man was getting ready to release The Nine Tails out of Kushina. The man did some hand sign then the man twisted the seal in Kushina's belly. A lot of nine tailed chakra began to leak out of kushina. After a few seconds the Nine Tailed Fox was out of Kushina. "AAAHHHHRGG" The Nine Tailed roar.

No ones POV~

Everyone in the Village sense some menacing chakra Minato and Hiruzen already know what chakra it is. Hiruzen readied for battle knowing the Nine Tails is coming. Minato teleported back to the Village to protect it. Then the Nine Tailed Fox suddenly appeared. Villagers began to scream in horror. The Nine Tailed Fox then saw Minato then charged a Tailed Beast Bomb at Minato destroying every house in its path.......


Thats it for this chapter. Next Chapter will be Tomorrow!. Sorry if it short ill try to make it longer for you guys.

Please tell me if there are some corrections so i can change it. And tell me if you liked it or not.

Bye for now..............

481 words

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