14. Cheers To Haru For Bringing Us All Together!!

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-At the main deck.-

Skiff: *Turns to Shin.* How's Captain?

Shin: *Nods.* He's doing fine. We need to be patient and wait for the wound to heal itself.

Skiff: *Looks to the side.* Yeah. It's just that, Haru means a lot to me. He and I had been through a lot of things back then before we met the rest of the crew. *Leans onto the ship's taffrail, resting my arms there.* When I saw the sword deeply stabbed into Haru, it crushed me. I felt like I didn't do enough. It's like I failed at being a great Sub-Captain to him.

Shin: *Puts my hands on the taffrails and looks at the horizon.* I see..

Skiff: *Shakes my head and turns to Shin.* Apologies about my ranting.

Shin: *Rests a hand on Skiff's shoulder, giving it a small rub.* I don't mind. Everyone needs space to rant sometimes.

Skiff: *Sighs.* Yeah. All I'm saying is that, I just don't want to lose anyone on this ship. Like Haru losing his parents.

Shin: Mm. *Turns to him.* Just remember, you're not alone in this. I'm sure that's what everyone feels to each other here.

Skiff: *Nods.* Yeah. *Moves away from the taffrails and puts my hands in my pants pocket.* I'm going to check how everyone's doing. I'll catch you up later, aye?

Shin: Aye.

Skiff: *Walks away from Shin.*

Shin: *Moves away from the taffrails and is about to go back to the captain's office.*

Chen: *Jumps down from the crow's nest, in front of Shin.*

Shin: *Is startled and sighs softly. Smiles.* Chen, you scared me.

Chen: *Leans against the mast, chucking softly.* You'll eventually get used to it. It's been a while since we've talked.

Shin: Right.

Chen: *Looks down, my face turning gloomy.*

Shin: *Tilts my head.* What's wrong?

Chen: *Lifts my head up at Shin.* The ship's much more quieter and different ever since Haru started his recovery. I just hope he recovers quickly. I miss him.

Shin: *Nods.* Yeah. We all want him to recover.

Chen: Mm. *Looks at Shin.* What're you up to?

Shin: I was about to go check on Haru and change his bandages. Would you like to come?

Chen: *Touches my bottom lip with my finger and then stretches my arms.* I suppose I could use a break from navigating.

Shin: *Smiles and then goes to the office, opening the door. Walks in and goes to my room.*

Chen: *Follows after him.*

Shin: *Looks at Haru on the bed, fast asleep.* Ah, he's asleep.

Chen: *Sits on the bed and looks at Shin.* Do you need help?

Shin: *Nods.* Can you lift his body just a bit so I could wrap the bandage around him? *Crouches down, opening the first aid kit case. Grabs an ice pack from the side case and stands up, holding an ice pack and bandage.*

Chen: Sure. *Carefully slides my hands under Haru and lifts his back up just a bit.*

Shin: *Grabs a lotion from the table and then sits on the bed. Puts the ice pack and lotion on the bed. Slowly peels off the bandage until it's off of Haru and looks at the wound.* Hm, it looks better than yesterday.

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