Just a fun time

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(dekus and bakugous fusion is so GOD DAMN HOT😫💦 LAWD HAVE MERCY)

You wake up the next morning and realize you're already tucked in. You sat up and noticed your books and paper neatly stacked on your desk. Smiling to yourself you reached across to your nightstand and grabbed your phone checking your notifications, you got a few but decided to check on them later. Today was Saturday so there was no school, thank god, so you just wore jeans with a white t-shirt, then slicked your hair back into a bun.

 Today was Saturday so there was no school, thank god, so you just wore jeans with a white t-shirt, then slicked your hair back into a bun

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This is what your hair looks like
(if you don't like it you can change it🤾🏾‍♀️🗑)

You trudge into the common room, it was quieter this time since most of them took the liberty of the weekend and chose to sleep late. You sat on the couch and turned on the Tv then switched the channel to a family game show. The contestants were a black family versus a white family, you checked the point system... of course the white people winning.

You saw the game show host asked a simple question and for /some/ reason the black family got it wrong again. "For God's sake! The answer is so simple why you keep losing!" You always cheered for the black family no matter what, doesn't matter if they losing or not, you gotta be there for your own race sometimes.

Kaminari and sero came and sat next to you wanting to see what got you so worked up. "NIGGA THE ANSWER IS C--, C BITCH WHY YOU PICKING A"

The tv turned off, you turned to glare at the person who shut it off. "I swear to fucking god N/n, why do you keep on watching this shit if all it does is get you angry." fucking bakugou, "why do you keep cheering for the losing team anyways?? Weirdo."

"The same reason you keep cheering for heroes when they look like they gonna lose" you pouted a bit crossing your arms, "I can't just vote for the other race bro, it's like betraying my whole race." you said matter of factly. He just looks at you dumbfounded.

You felt your phone vibrate again. You sighed and saw your phone bombarded with notifications of people inviting you to a beach party. "Damn you must be popular" "hm?" you look up to see Mina staring at you with stars in her eyes.

"Oh this? Im not going."

"What! Come on Y/n it looks like fun."

"It's not going to be fun if i go there with no one to talk to, besides they're only doing this to 'seem nice' they don't even want me there."

You thought about it for a bit, "wanna come? Not like they care if more people attend anyways."

"Seriously?! Wait just me or..."

"Nah, all of yall can come if you want to" you said simply looking away from your phone.

"Yessir, what kind of party is it??"

"It's a beach party, and its starts at 6PM"

You went through your contacts and called Mitsuki, "damit are you really calling mom now!? She's gonna be all on my ass for not calling her!"

Eunoia {Midoriya x black (fem) reader}Where stories live. Discover now