Moving into the dorms

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You walked behind Bakugou and his friends towards the dorms. They had tried talking to you a few times but you were too preoccupied listening to your music so they collectively decided to leave you alone and talk to you later.

You already brought most of your things from home to your dorm room and decided on unpacking the rest of your stuff.

you got to your bedroom. your room was directly in front of Kirishima, you went and started opening up one of the boxes. it was filled with clothing. you hear a knock at the door, "you need help?" You see Kirishima smiling over to you.

"no im good, if you need Kat he's probably in his room" you noted, you didn't feel like there was an actual reason for him to want to talk to you.

"You wanna hang out with us after your done then? we wanna get to know you a bit since, well, your bakubro's sister in all" your body did a screenshot

why would they wanna get to know me? thats kinda weird..

"uhm-" "Im sorry! you don't have to if you don't want to! You just seem kinda cool thats all, we don't wanna force you to do something your not comfor-"
"its good bruh ill hang out with yall" He gave you a bright smile and ran over to the common room telling everyone about it.

you get down to the common room, right away his friends came and bombarded you with questions.

"Everybody! give her some space! Your hero students be respectful" Iida came and tried to calm everyone down.

"aw man— anyways whats it like being Bakugous sister?? is he mean?- wait no, do you guys fight alot? Do you have any blackmail?" Mina rushed over with questions, you practically didn't understand what she was saying.

"Mina! calm down, she just got here! im sorry about them, Y/n, come sit I made tea," Momo apologizes and pats the open space right next to her.

As you sat down you noticed Midoriya talking with Todoroki and Uraraka.

"SHUT UP DEKU I CAN HEAR YOU FROM HERE" you hear Bakugou complaining as he walks in.

"wait- deku?" you look at Midoriya and back to Bakugou then back to Midoriya

"hes deku?" you point at him "wait so your telling me, that kid that bothered you so much was HIM?!?" You started laughing HARD

"Hah?!? what the fuck is that supposed to mean!!?" he growled and stomped over towards you.

you wiped a tear, "bro hes so nice, how do get mad at him???"

he sat down next to you and crossed his arms, "nun of your business" he looks away

pfft he's embarrassed

"ay Kat can you make me f/f??"

"no why the fuck would i do that?" he growled

"cause im your sister and you care about me"

"no i don't.." he grumbled as he got up and heads towards the kitchen to make you some anyways.

you followed him to the kitchen and sat in the seating area deciding to watch Bakugou cook. For some reason it felt somewhat... comforting to watch him cook. your rested you head on your arms and waited.

Deku pulled up a chair and sat next to you. He saw how you left everyone to be with Bakugou.

"they must be close, huh" he thought to himself

You looked pleased. Watching you, he felt a glow or warmth within, as if your happiness was contagious in all the right ways.

That time he first saw you, there was something right then, though he didn't know what. He wonders if there's an element of time that allows him to feel a strong emotion like an orange glow bursting over a dark horizon. he felt like he would give up anything in the world for you, and he would do anything to keep you safe.

Eunoia {Midoriya x black (fem) reader}Where stories live. Discover now