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Start from the beginning

"Try me," she snarled. "Pepper, duck!"

She sent a blast to Killian just as he sent one, and it had them collide and create a large explosion. As someone called that the broadcast would commence shortly, Pepper, underneath rubble with Marlene, grabbed Marlene's arm. "Look! Are those–?"

"Tony's here," Marlene said with immense relief. After singeing through the rubble on top of her, she was able to get Pepper situated. "Stay here. I'll find him."

"Be careful," Pepper called softly.

Marlene flew up, catching Tony's friend fighting some of the Extremis individuals—the ones with fire powers. She could see Tony's suits from everywhere, firing and killing the people. Using her powers, she took out the normal guards easily. She knew she was set into kill mode, not sparing a glance at who she was killing anymore. She was pissed off that these people were going to hurt Pepper. They were hurting Tony. They were going to take over the world.

When she was about to send a blast, she gasped as Tony shouted, "Woah! Elsa! Same side!"

Focusing her eyes on Tony, she lowered to reach him. "Where have you been?"

"Zip tied like twenty minutes that way? Where've you been?" Tony asked, using a suit to kill another person with the fire abilities.

Marlene turned, punching a guy who came too close to her. She went into his mind, sending himself off the boat into the water. Turning back to Tony, she said, "Here. Pepper's in that room... he did something to her!"

"I saw. Is she okay?"

"From what I saw," Marlene answered. "I'm going over there. Take care of Pepper!"

She flew off to help Rhodey and the President. When she landed and sent four blasts at once at the guards, Rhodey looked over at her in fear and awe. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Colonel Rhodes!"

"Marlene," she said, flying upward to the President with Rhodey in her arms. He yelled in fright. "Mr. President, I'm going to need you to trust me. Jarvis, open the suit!"

The suit opened, and she grabbed the President before he could fall to his death. Rhodey climbed into the Iron Patriot suit as she disintegrated the ropes holding him. "Okay?" she asked Rhodey.

Rhodey powered the suit perfectly well, taking the President from Marlene. "The President is secure, Tony. I'm clearing the area. Marlene, stay and make sure Killian is taken care of."

"I will. It was nice to meet you," she said, hovering next to them as if it was an everyday conversation. The President smiled at her slightly despite his initial fear when he saw her.

"Ready, sir?"

President Ellis looked at Rhodey in confusion. "What do you mean ready?" Rhodey blasted off and the President screamed in fright. Marlene smiled slightly.

Turning, she gasped as Pepper Potts was soon falling to her death. Flying her way, she tried to catch her but the flames below were so bright and hot. It had her magic flickering. Flying up, she stared at Killian's burning figure in malice, but it was not near as much as Tony was giving off.

"A shame," Killian began. "I would've caught her."

"Don't touch him, Marlene," Tony sneered as he and Killian ran at eachother. Tony jumped into a suit that flew by and sent his repulsors at Killian. Both flew back. When Killian jumped onto Tony, Tony did not hesitate.

"Eject," he said as he flew from the suit before Killian could send his burning hand through it.

"Well, here we are on the roof," Killian said as he sliced the suit in half.

Jarvis spoke in Tony's earpiece, and Marlene was able to hear him. "Mark 42, inbound."

Tony looked up. "I'll be damned. The prodigal son returns." The suit flew to Tony, hit a piece of metal and fell apart. Tony rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Marlene saw Killian closing in on Tony, so she sent a ball of energy his way, having the man sneer up at her before Tony was able to hit him again.

"You really didn't deserve her, Tony. Just like you don't deserve to control the witch behind you. It's a pity. I was so close to having Pepper perfect," Killian stated.

Tony rose his hand to make him stop talking. "Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait! Slow down! Slow down! First, I do not own the witch. Second, you're right. I don't deserve her. Here's where you're wrong. Pepper was already perfect." Tony motioned to the suit and it flew onto Killian's body. "Jarvis, do me a favour and blow Mark 42."

Marlene smirked as Killian screamed, "No!" as the suit blew up. When she landed next to Tony's fallen figure to help him up, they were both surprised when Killian still managed to walk toward them. His flesh was being held together by flames. "No more false faces. You said you wanted the Mandarin. You're looking right at him. It was always me, Tony. Right from the start. I am the Mandarin!"

Before Marlene could do anything, someone hit Killian with a metal pole causing him to fly to the side.  Marlene let out a breath of relief at the sight of Pepper standing there with an orange glow while breathing heavily.

Tony stared at her, trying to find something to say as he rose one hand. "I got nothing." Because he rose his hand, the repulsor powered up. "Jarvis, subject at my 12 o'clock is not a target, disengage!" Pepper glared at Tony. "What? Oh, what, are you mad at me?" Pepper ran toward Tony, flipped in the air, punched through the Iron Man suit and destroyed it. She used the suit hand to blow up Killian. "Honey?"

Marlene backed away as Pepper turned with worried eyes as Tony stood.

"Oh, my God. That was really violent," Pepper said suddenly.

Tony nodded. "You just scared the devil out of me. I thought you were—"

"I was dead. Why? Because I fell 200 feet? Who's the hot mess now?"

"It's still debatable. Probably tipping your way a little bit. Why don't you dress like this at home? Hmm? Sport bra. The whole deal," Tony said as he neared her.

Marlene knew her job was done. As they continued to speak, Marlene began to fly. She knew Tony could get the pair home, wherever that may be. She felt in her pocket for the earpiece for Jarvis. She sighed, flying away from Miami. "Jarvis? Take me to the Tower..."

"Are you okay, Miss Maximoff?" Jarvis asked kindly as she saw the directions appear.

Marlene turned back to see the suits exploding in fireworks. She smiled at Tony's thoughtfulness. "Tony and Pepper are lucky to have found each other. To have a home."

"I thought your home is the Tower?"

"No, I mean... yes, but no. I don't really belong anywhere, do I?" she asked rhetorically before sighing. "Can you call Steve?"

"Right away."

The phone rang for a little while before Steve picked up. "Marlene? Hey? Where've you been?"

"Dealing with Tony and the Mandarin," she said with a laugh. "Helping the President."

Steve chuckled before he paused. "Are you flying?"

"Can I come to yours tonight?" she asked instead. "I-I don't want to be alone."

Steve shuffled a bit on the other line. "Yeah, of course. Of course. I'll be waiting."

"Thanks, Steve," she whispered.

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