Don't Forget (Keigo x Reader)

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Here I am. For the third time. I've sat in this exact same chair in the exact same position for the third day in a row. I gently grabbed her hand and kissed the top of it.
"I don't want to lose you. Please. Please don't leave me..." I said softly, cupping the cheeks of my beautiful fiancee. All I could think of was the times we spent together before this. Before the unexpected villain attack that changed my life.

It was 7:30 on a Friday night, four years ago. Y/N had came into the restaurant in her hero costume. She had just gotten off work. I waved her over to me and started making small talk.
"Keigo you're a dork but you're a cute dork." She giggled, ruffling up my hair. I huffed in response
"Well I am the best birb in the world!!! I deserve love and affection but instead I'm always thrown to the side like a burnt piece of chicken!" I said dramatically, leaning back a bit. She rolled her eyes slightly and kissed my cheek. A dark red blush spread across my cheeks, my eyes practically bulging out of my head.
"'ve been my friend for awhile but...I wanna change that. I want you to be my boyfriend...please?" She asked in a slightly awkward manner. The minute those words left her lips, I kissed her softly as a way of saying yes.

Two years later, we were sitting on the couch, relaxing. I was more nervous than usual because I was about to ask her to marry me. I had tried to plan everything but we had always had things come up. I just decided that this would be just as good time as any.
"Y/N L/N, will you marry me? I've been in love with you since the day I first met you..." I asked, getting down on one knee in front of her. She gasped, tears running down her face.
"Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes I'll marry you Keigo!!" She squealed happily, tackling me onto the floor in a tight hug. "I love you so damn much..." She sniffled.

I looked at the time with tired eyes. I was exhausted but I couldn't sleep without her next to me. I couldn't sleep at all because I didn't want to wake up and find that she was dead. I laid my head on her chest gently, humming softly.

Suddenly I felt someone shaking me. My head shot up. My eyes were met with Y/N's. We were in our own bed.
"Hey?...Are you okay? You've been shaking for the past hour..." She asked, her voice filled with concern.
"Whats the date today?" I asked, my voice shaking.
"December 3rd. Why baby?" She held me close, kissing my forehead
"Oh my was just a dream.." I cried into her chest, holding her closer to me. "I thought I was going to lose you...I love you so fucking much!!" I said, crying heavily into her chest. She held me, whispering sweet nothing's into my ears, not wanting to ask questions.
After I had calmed down a bit, I looked up at her with a smile "I love you.."
"I love you too baby." She smiled, kissing his head softly.

(Okay this wasn't as sad as I was going to have it. I couldn't. Anyways! Have a great day!!))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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