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"I don't have time to meet one of your sleezy fucks okay Mike. Because of her, now I have to go clean off my pants and shirt before it looks like my bladder exploded."Luke said rolling his eyes when he was finished giving me the once over. He let go of my arm quickly like it was going to burn him. "Well you're no peach either sweet heart. No one is stopping you from cleaning off your pants princess. Besides, Ashton said no more major dicks at the table."I said snapping out of my heart eyes for him.

He sighed and turned back towards me. "Trust me, if I didn't know how big of a dick I was, I might actually be slightly insulted by what you just accused me of. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a situation to take care of that is a little more important than taking shit from a girl who doesn't know shit." He said walking away into the crowd. People separated as he walked through them parting them like the red sea. "Isn't he such a slice of sunshine?"Michael asked sighing dreamily as we sat down once again.

"He's not always that bad."Ashton said attempting to excuse Luke's behavior. I waved him off trying to brush off the feeling of Luke's hand in contact with my skin. His personality ruined the moment and I needed to get over it. "No worries. Didn't need him to rain on our party parade anyway."I said smiling lightly at the both of them.

"That's right. I like your spirit Jasey. Now, as I recall. You said your last name was Hood if I'm not mistaken."Michael asked repositioning his arm behind me. I chuckled still trying to get used to his flirty/friendly behavior.

"Correct."I said waiting for Ashton to bring the new water he offered to get me. "It's actually pretty funny because you look a lot like this asian I know." He said smiling cheekily. "And if I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure you had a few more drinks before we got here then you've let on." I said back to him smiling in the same way. "Have you seen Luke?" a tall intimidatingly pretty blonde girl asks walking up to the table.

"Yeah, he shit his pants earlier. So he's in the bathroom cleaning them off. Not sure if you wanna go near him he kinda smells like piss." I said to Michael quietly making him chuckle. Big boobs turned to acknowledge my presence for the first time since she walked up with a superior look in her eye. "And you are?"She asked in an annoying voice.

"My new girl friend so it would suit you not to look at her like the pregnancy test you took this morning."Michael shot back. I tried to hide my chuckle and nudged him for saying something like that to someone like her. She scoffed and turned away in her expensive red bottomed stilettos. "Thanks."I said turning to him when she was out of ear shot. Who knows though, she heard me whispering to Michael in this loud club like a hawk.

Maybe her shoes are so pointy because it's more comfortable for her claws to walk around in. "Of course. She's a bitch anyway and deserves to have her precious Lukey be made fun of."He said breaking me out of my thoughts of humans with animal limbs. "Sorry it took so long. Mark was explaining his theory about what's actually in Bethany's fake boobs."Ashton said sliding a glass of water over to me and another fruity looking drink to Michael.

"Who's Mark?"I asked. "He's the bar tender. He's a cool guy and always knows what's going on in people's lives since all the drunk people talk his ear off."Ashton responded sliding into his previous seat. "He's also the best damn general manager you'll ever see." Michael said downing the fruity drink Ashton brought him.

"How do you know that?"I asked sipping on my water once more. "Well I like to know my employees pretty well before I let them run my whole club." Michael said turning to me. "Employees? Mike you own this place?"I asked in awe. "Down to the last tiny drink umbrella."He said smirking.

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