The bar

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After an exhausting morning of shopping and complaints from how much girls buy from Ashton, we had made it back to Ashton's car. "How do women buy so much. I don't understand."He mumbled putting the bags in the trunk. I laughed. "I didn't ask you to carry almost all of my bags! You offered."

"Well, we started shopping around noon and now its dinner time. Do you want to visit the bar Cat works at? They've got a restaurant in there too."He asked as he tried to hail a cab but failed. "Yeah sure. I'm sure I bought something bar worthy today. Are you gonna uhm, be drinking tonight?"I asked trying be subtle.

I know the drinking age in Australia is different so I want to be ready incase Ashton likes to drink. If you can't tell, I'm a little hesitant you could say towards alcohol. "Nah not tonight. I promised Cat I would pick her up from work since she walked there earlier. She won't mind staying but since I said I would drive I'm automatically the designated driver." He said brushing it off.

At least I would have Ashton to talk to if all of his friends didn't like me and decided to get drunk instead of trying to get to know me. Not that I would assume the worst from his friends. He doesn't seem like the type to have shitty friends. I mean they can't be all bad.


Ashton helped me pick out my outfit for the night and surprisingly, he has good fashion sense. I did have to steer him in the right direction though when he suggested the flip flops with this tight white dress I bought earlier. In the end we agreed to settle on some wedges. Or as he called them 'flip flops one bread'.

I also bought some new makeup, an I phone, and a blow dryer while we were out. I had used a smart phone before that wasn't mine or have watched movies in class with people using them so it wasn't very hard to figure out. As for makeup, in my free time at school I looked up youtube tutorials on the computer in the library. So I wasn't super clueless. Plus I had to be able to cover any bruises my mom gave me so no one would ask why I looked like I had just come out of fight club.

"God you take longer than Cat to get ready woman."Ashton complained from the other side of the bathroom door. I rolled my eyes and put on a coat of mascara and sighed. I put everything away grabbing my phone off the counter. I opened the door and Ashton whistled. "You'll be breakin' hearts tonight Jasey Rae that's for sure."He said making me blush. "Come on let's just go you said we were going to be late no?"I said shoving him out of the way.
We pulled up to the bar and the music was blaring. It was less like a bar and more like a club filled with drunk people dancing around on each other. I think Ashton could sense my skepticism of the atmosphere because he put his hand on the small of my back and said, "I guess I forgot that this place goes a little wild on the weekends. We can go back home if you want. I know it's kind of a lot to take in on your actual first night here."

I sighed and saw the eagerness hiding behind his eyes. He wanted to have fun and wanted me to be able to with him. I  never had the chance to tell Ashton about my previous home life so he wouldn't have known I wasn't used to the normal young adult life. I was gonna do this for Ashton. It probably wont be too bad anyway.

"No I'm good, promise. Come on, we didn't come all this way not to have a good time."I said smiling reassuringly. "As long as you're sure. Cat gets off in a few hours but, you let me know at any time if you wanna go home, and we will okay?"He said smiling softly as we walked up to the front of the line. He nodded at the buff tree sized security guard and the man let us in right away. I nodded and smiled back at him. Here we go.

The temperature instantly grew fifteen degrees as we stepped through the door and the music growing with it. "I texted   a few of my friends to meet us here tonight so you could meet them. That way if you do end up having a not so shitty time, you won't have to end up feeling like you're third wheeling with Cat and I." Ashton yelled from beside me. I just nodded as he lead us through the crowd to the outer corners of the main floor.

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