Chapter Four: Journal Entry

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What a day! The time I've spent with Wyatt has been somewhat special in a way; he's gone from the bars to the treadmill and the determination in his eyes burns bright. He is determined to get back to being his team's captain again, that much I can see. I've tried to look past the helmet, the shoulder pads, the jock but it's hard; lucky for me, Wyatt is extremely stubborn and will do anything to change my mind. After our session, I found myself getting whisked off with him to get ice-cream. How I love ice-cream :) x.

We found an empty bench and talked for what seemed like hours. Once again, he offered to walk me to my dorm and this time I didn't hesitate to say yes. As we walked, Wyatt would bump his shoulder into mine, turn to me, look me in the eyes and smile. Somehow, I could not help myself but to smile back. When it was time to part ways, he didn't want to go and I felt the same way. Everything Wyatt said was a breath of fresh air but what he said next was a total surprise. I didn't use my defensive or sarcasm mode this time, I just relinquish my phone to him. Pinch me, I'm dreaming; I have Wyatt Collins' cellphone number.

What to do next. Does he expect me to call him? Or should I text him instead? Good thing Jennifer is always there to distract me from my Wyatt distraction. It's not even Friday yet but Jen suggested we go out for some drinks at Clubhouse tonight; I couldn't say no. Dancing with my best friend is the perfect end to my craze-filled day with...
The whole room chanted 'Wyatt!' as soon as he walked in. He smiles at me when he walks in with his teammates; as the night went on, he remained with his friends and I remained with mine. That all changed when I shouted at the top of my lungs when my favorite song came blasting through the speakers. As the first verse of the song starts, Wyatt comes over and asks me to dance.

We dance, laugh and even I had to admit it, he had some moves. Bringing our two groups together later that night and everyone getting along was something I was not expecting. Stolen glances and hidden smiles were also not part of the plan but it just happened. As for the rest of the night.....I can't reveal everything, now can I? Until next time.

Dari x..

It was Friday afternoon and Jendari had a suitcase packed for the weekend. Jennifer walks in, sitting on her bed. "So you're really leaving me here all alone?"
Coming in with open arms, Jendari comforts her friend with a hug. "Never. I'll call you everyday if I have to"
"I know you will"She sends up a sincere smile. "Are you taking the bus or is your dad driving down?"
"Bus"She grins. "I'm just excited to get back home. Will you walk me out?"
"Of course"Jennifer says. "Say hi to your mom and dad for me. Bring me something when you get back"As Jendari heads further up to the bus stop, Jennifer shouts 'I love you' and waves her off.
"Hey Jen"Wyatt comes over with no crutches. "Where's Jendari off to?"
"She's going home for the weekend"She spots the backpack on his back. "Where are you going?"
"Home. Hopefully I'll be cleared to play next week"He did a nervous fidget with his hands that only a close friend like Jennifer would notice. "Hey, does Jendari ever talk about me?"
"Don't worry about it too much. I'm sure everything will be okay"Jennifer encourages. "As her best friend, I can't divulge that information"
"But you're my friend too!"Wyatt argues. "C'mon Jen"
"Sorry but my lips are sealed"She rocks on her heels. Sharing a fist bump, Jennifer turns away but not before parting a special farewell to Wyatt. "Bye Jimmy"

On the first bus back to Carrington Heights, Jendari takes in the forest green as Western Bay fades into the background, something she never did often. One hour later, Wyatt was on a bus back to his hometown, neither of them knowing that they would be a town away from each other.

From Jendari:
Hey, it's Jendari. Try to take it easy this weekend; don't overexert yourself.

He smiles at the text, thinking of a way to respond.

To Jendari:
Don't you worry. I plan on taking it easy.

After hitting send, Wyatt places his phone in his pocket and settles back, enjoying the rest of the journey that was ahead.

"Mia bambina!"Brando exclaims, holding Aretta's hand as they descend the steps to give their daughter a welcome embrace. "We missed you so much"
"I missed you too"Jendari didn't mind the affectionate brush of a hand over her dark locks by her mom or the bone crushing bear grip by her dad but that was home. "Are we making pizza or what?"
Brando helps Jendari with her suitcase while she and Aretta debate make-your-own pizza night. Whilst strolling to the kitchen, Aretta decides to change the subject while packing out every ingredient for pizza night. "So, has anything new happened? Any new friends?"
"Nope"Jendari frowns, as her squeaky lie betrays her. "Just Jennifer. By the way, she says hi"
"That's nice. Send her our regards as well"Brando enters. "When will she be visiting again?"
"Tell her she's welcome anytime"Her mom adds.
"I will"She grins. "And I'm not sure but I'll let you know"

At nightfall, behind closed doors, Jendari confides in her journal once more.

First weekend home and I've already ruined so much by lying to my parents. How do I even go about telling them about Wyatt? What relationship do I say we have towards each other? Argh! A whole hour away from him and he's still the only person I have on my mind; what is this boy doing to me? I'll have to call Jen and make sure she's doing okay without me. So much for a distraction free year. Be back soon, Dari x

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