He hands out big pieces of paper where we have to jot down our ideas. Thresh has to move next to me. I've seen him around school and never really spoke to him.

"Hi I'm thresh," he says.
"Joanna," I reply. And we shake hands.


Isn't Zayn Abbie's boyFriend?

He comes over and sits down.
"Ok I'm gonna write some ideas you don't have to use them.." He gives me the impression that he would rather be somewhere else.
"Hey aren't you Abbie's boyfriend?" I ask.
"Um yeah," he pauses. "So?"
"Just putting it out there." I say. "So what should the story be about?"
"Music!" He replies. "I love music,"
I raise my eyebrows.
"Didn't see you as a musical person can you sing or play or.."
"Oh I sing," he smiles.
"Go on then," I sit back.

He starts to sing a song he says he made up with his friends.
Omg I have to introduce him to Katniss. Who is sitting in the row behind me.
I quickly get up and walk over to her and Finnick.
"Get up." I hiss.
"What?" She laughs.
"Where switching," I add.
"Since when?" She laughs again.
"Since 5 seconds ago. Do it."
Katniss scurried out of her seat and next to Zayn. Who is still singing.
"Nice tune, what is it some famous song," she says.


"Nah it's not some random tune, it's a song," he zayns.
"Zayn," we shake hands. "Where's Annie?"
"Oh she wanted us to switch don't ask why," I sigh.
"Why?" He asks.
"What did I just say!" Adding in sarcasm.
"We should start the work, come on," he hands me a pen and we begin work.
"You know at lunch we could go to music maybe even create something," he says. I nod as I take a water bottle from my bag and start drinking it. But I then pause.
"And how do you know I like music," I ask him shocked.
"Gale told me." I choke on my water.
"How do you know gale?"
"Known him since I was a kid, he never shut up about you, katy."
"Don't call me that!" I get angry.
"Ok sorry easy calm down." But I'm getting more and more angry.
"You know where he is today don't you,"
"Um yeah he's on the beach." He laughs. "With some other friends."
"I don't like him like that," Zayn looks at me weirdly. "I have a boyfriend."

"We need to write some more stuff on the mind map come on." I sigh as I get back to work.

*lunch time*

Katniss ran out of english along with her partner. Who Even is her partner?
"Annie?" I ask.
"Yes." Her and Finnick appear behind me.
"Who is Katniss's partner?"
"Zayn why?"
"Because she walked out with him and I can't find her."
"Try music." Cato suggest.
"Hey who invited you into this convo?" Finnick laughs.
"I did now shut it!" Cato jokes.
"Annie! Cato is bulling me." He says babyishly.
"You snitched on me. You betrayer!" Cato pretends to be hurt.
"Save your acting for auditions after school!" Clove comes along and moved all the group. "I want food."

"Nah I will pass." I say. And I will start looking for Katniss at the music block.

When I get there I see her and Zayn in a practise room. They are both singing and she's playing piano as well.
"They don't know about the things we do,
They don't know about the I love you s
But I bet ya
If they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,"
Katniss glances my way then takes a second look at stops playing.
"One sec." She says to zayn and steps out of the room to see me.

"Hey," she says.
"Hi." I frown.
"Whatup?" She jokes.
"They sky." I look up and am dead serious.
"I still don't know how you keep a strait face." She laughs. And then I stare at her.
"Stop it!" She hides her face with her hands.
"Stop staring it's creepy!" She moves backwards and I chase her out of the building. Still doing the creepy glare.
"Stop! Seriously! Peeta!" She laughs and runs through the forest. Her feet find the sand from the beach and she slows down.
I catch up with her and pick her up from behind and spin her around.
"Peeta!" She says.
"What?" I joke.
"Peeta!" She screams. I put her down instantly. She takes a step away from me and looks across the beach.
"Who's gale with?" She asks.
"What?" I step my Katniss's side.
"I don't know who he's with, do you?" She asks me.
"I dunno." I shrug. "Should we go over?"
"Actually no they look dangerous." I say.
Katniss takes off running. "So you do it anyway." I mutter.

"Gale?" Katniss says. He looks up from his circle of friends which are just sitting on the beach
"What." He says.
"Why aren't you in school? Why haven't you called or texted?" She snaps.
The Boys around him laugh.
"Who's this gale? You girlfriend?" They sneer. Excuse me? Who do these guys think they are?

"Gale I asked you a question." She steps forward. "The least you could do is get up off the sand."
"Or what? You'll punch me? Whack me with your hair?" He says sarcastically.
"Dude answer her." I say. The boys snigger again.
"Alright alright," he gets up and starts walking towards the forest. Me and Katniss glance at each other then follow him.

"The least you could do is not talk to them like that, they are my friends." Gale hisses.
"What the people who don't go to school and have no care in the world? They are your friends." I ask him.
"Yer." He shrugs.
"Well..why aren't you in school!?" Katniss says.
"The only girl I ever liked is going out with one of my best friends, I was thinking of skipping school for a while. Go back to 12 and live with my parents for 6 weeks." Gale explains.
"Dude you can't be serious." I say.
"I am. Tell the others goodbye you guys." He hugs me and them Katniss.
"Gale you can't leave," Katniss says as they brake from the hug.
"Yes I can. My parents have agreed. Don't ask me how. I persuaded them. And I officially no longer go to Mockingjay academy."
"No gale you can't be serious." Katniss says.
"Get it through your head." He starts shaking Katniss.
"Hey let her go!" I push him of Katniss.
"Katniss don't you get it! You always cause the problems." Gale yells.
"Don't listen to him Katniss." I plead.
"No Katniss stop listening to your boyfriend. I'm gonna leave and when I come back." He corrects himself. "IF I come back I want it to be like a reunion, we are parting as friends." P
"Yeah as if you mean it." She snaps.
"KATNISS!" He starts shaking her again.
"Hey! Man get off her." I get him to let go off Katniss and push him over.
"Leave now." Gale says.
"Don't worry we are." Katniss signs. She links hands with me and walks very fast to the forest. When we get to the forest she slows down.
"Katniss you ok?" I ask.
"No," she sighs. "For only shaking me it really hurt. Thanks for getting him to let go of me."
I smile. "Anything for you."
"Aww your to sweet." She kisses me cheek.
"You're to cute." I pick her up in my arms bridal style and kiss her. She giggles.
"Come on." I say. "Lunch is almost over and we have to tell the group about gale."

OMG so where do I start
Hi everyone
Sorry I haven't been able to update
I've been so busy it's crazy
I've also had writers block
But I have had a massive wave of ideas and have written draughts for the next 5 chapters so will be updating very soon


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