"Ow. What happened?"

"MOMO!" I ran as fast as I could when I saw her badly hurt and bleeding.

Back to the present

I walked out of the mansion with Fluffy on my shoulder going towards the location the blond offered me. On my way out, I grabbed a metal pole Momo made and wrapped some cloth around it that was used to stop some of her bleeding. 'Get ready Doflamingo. I'm coming to get those Devil Fruits back and give you a piece of my mind.'

"So you really are going after Doflamingo?" Rebecca stopped me to make certain for me to nod. "I suggest you don't fight him. You are strong and that's for certain, but Doflamingo isn't someone you should anger. Even among the former Seven Warlords, he wasn't someone to trifle with and let you get away with it. He was not afraid to kill someone who spoke against him as an example and I do not believe he will take kindly to you taking back what he worked hard to steal."

"Honestly, I don't care if he does. This is a matter of me doing what's right and making this bastard know not to screw with people that I love and care about as well as those who just want to do good."

Our new friend held her head down realizing I'm not budging. " *sigh* I cannot stop you, can I?"


There was a silence before Rebecca spoke again. "Very well. As a member of the kingdom in which Doflamingo is originally from and a member of the royal family he nearly destroyed, I am forced to come along to assist where needed."

"Fine. But unless I ask for help, I don't want you to interfere."

"I understand." We walked through the city towards the docks where the address was.

At the docks, 3rd person POV:

As Izuku, Fluffy and Rebecca came upon the warehouse that the address pointed out to them, Izuku used his knowledge on Observation Haki to glance inside without opening the door. "A hundred men.....No. Two hundred. None of them seem to fit the strength of Doflamingo from what I was told. He's probably out right now."

"Perhaps that can work to our advantage." Izuku handed Fluffy two small pieces of metal for the lapahn to hold them like swords.

"You ready to knock some heads in Fluffy?"

"*bwaa*!" Izuku took that as a yes before cracking his knuckles and activating Armament Haki on his arms.

"Knock knock!" He punched the door down in one go for everyone inside to look towards the door.

"Who the hell are you!?" A thug pointed a gun at Izuku and Flufffy with the green haired boy's eyes showing an emotionless hate in them.

"You bastards are gonna pay for stealing from the Yaoyorozu's."

"SHOT THE BASTARD!" The thugs started firing on Izuku and Fluffy for the young swordsman to use Observation Haki to dodge the shots and charge at the first thug he saw. He used the tip of the staff to hit right in the center of his stomach and drop the man to the ground.

"KILL HIM!" Izuku immediately took action and took down thugs one after the other before having Fluffy jump off and assault some of the goons as well. When one attempted to slice Izuku down the middle with a giant axe, he split the staff in two to have Izuku coat both in Haki and shatter the axe with one hit. Izuku struck each thug he came across in the head, collarbone, side or kneecap while Fluffy did a similar act with the head and kneecaps, but adding in the pelvis area to help level the more physically adapted goons.

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