Reassuring Comfort

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She was at home with the two little girls that were her world. They meant everything to her. It was four long fucking days not knowing if she was even going to ever see them again. She had broken through to Frank Bucci and brought him in herself, telling her fellow NYPD to not hurt him, that he wasnt resisting. As she did that her captain had come over to check on her. She didnt want to do anything but get home to those girls. She wanted to hug them and be with them. Carisi had told Olivia he would take Amanda home, she really wasnt in any shape to drive.

Couple hours prior, she and Carisi had gotten into the elevator she was on the phone to her sitter. "should be home in, um, less - um less than an hour, okay? Yeah, I can't wait to be home. Alright. Tell the girls. Thanks." The door closed and the elevator started to move to the floor they needed. Now her damn feelings were starting to come out. She sniffled, nervously moving her fingers through her hair. Carisi picked up on Amanda's mood "Hey, you okay?" He asked her gently. "Yeah". He stayed close "Got your balance?" "No." Crying this time she repeated. "No.. No..." He put his arms easily around her. "Okay come here, I got you." "I got you." That was all he said and apparently all she needed as she sobbed in his arms.

She just sat there with both her girls and Frannie in her bed. Spending time cuddling and reading. This was all she need in life. It got to be late and she put Billie in her bed. Jesse didnt want to be away from mama as she had a habit of waking up wanting her mama. She now knew what Liv felt like when Noah had been kidnapped and she just let him sleep in her bed. She was doing the same with Jesse. Holding her little girl close. She was in her own head amd just about to fall asleep had she closed her eyes when her phone rang. She picked it up before the ringing could wake the girls.

"Rollins..." Oh how Olivia was relieved to hear that voice. She wanted to reach out to her friend, make sure she was doing okay.
"Hi Amanda, I just wanted to call and see how you were doing. It was hectic at the precinct when you came in and with Bucci. He is still in holding by the way, and out of respect to you he hasnt been hurt or anything like that."

Amanda softly sighed "Thank you Liv, I appreciate it. He honest to god didnt hurt me. It was just alot to be away from the girls. But while saying that, I understand his pain too with this whole Getz case."

Olivia could hear the woman on the other line take a breath, and it sounded like one that was going to bring an onslaught of tears. She chose her words carefully.

"Amanda what can I do for you? Before you tell me nothing please let me tell you that you are not a bother at all. Even if it's just to listen." Olivia gave the woman a moment to gather herself. Amanda's voice was shakey when she responded.

"Liv I dont't know. I was away from my girls for... I was away from them, not knowing if I was coming back or not. That one time I talked to Jesse I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I ever talked to her. Now I'm afraid to go to sleep. I'm afraid to close my eyes and not see them." She started to cry on the phone. When she knew it wasnt going to stop she quickly said "Liv I gotta go." Hanging up the phone she padded out to the living room. She didnt want to wake up Jesse and she could tell that this bout of tears wasnt going to end anytime soon.

Liv was worried for Amanda, her abruptly hanging up the phone, she had heard the tears and vulnerability in the younger woman's voice. She tried calling again to check on her and it went straight to voicemail. That worried her even more. She called Lucy and asked her to come over that she needed to go check on her friend. Lucy told her it wasnt a problem since it wasnt late anyway. As soon as Lucy got there she thanked her and told her she would be back as soon as she could. She kissed Noah on the head, told him she loved him and to be good for Lucy. She left on her way to Amanda's hoping that she wouldnt upset her friend by just showing up unannounced. Took her about twenty minutes to get there.

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