The Nursemaid (2)

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It was several minutes before Olivia detached the infant and covered herself back up. She gently moved the baby back up to her shoulder so she could burp him again and move more easily around the room. Amanda never stopped watching the senior detective as she moved around the room with the boy observing everything while waiting for ems to show up.

It was ten minutes later that EMS broke the silence coming in with a gurney and moving over to Olivia who gently handed her charge off and telling them how long he nursed and when she changed his diaper.

Olivia thought back to a few days before when she had thought she was pregnant with Brian's baby possibly. But her period had showed up four days late and the tests she had taken were negative.

Olivia knew that Amanda was watching her carefully. And while they had found four children who needed saving they had not found Nicky, the young boy whose insulin pump was low. All of the thoughts about unwanted children and negative parents made Olivia sick and She knew that Amanda felt no different than she did about it.

Olivia offered Amanda a small but worried smile as they made their way back to the squad room. Their work was not done yet. Neither woman would be sleeping tonight, not while there was still a child missing that they were tasked with finding, even if it was the adoptive mothers fault.

Rolivia One-Shots (2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें