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Asura and Ryukyu got wind of your mission's success shortly after the police arrived at the resort. The police were able to easily detain more than enough of the staff and the Henkans as well, all for conspiracy charges. The father of the clan obviously got the worse of the charges, but that was to be expected. They weren't through in Tartarus, just in a maximum security compound with devices that could restrict the uses of quirks. They wouldn't be out anytime soon. Of course, you and Hado got full credit on that one.

So, you both returned to Japan, got your congrats from pro heroes and a few friends, and from there, you two moved on. It was also the mission that shot you up a few ranks. Rank number four overall in the hero course wasn't too bad. Still behind Hado, but hey, you weren't about to complain about that.

Speaking of the two of you, the entire mission was a turning point for you both. In the best way possible that was. Since then, you two got to be a little bit closer and more intimate in your relationship. You both also came clean and outright told your mentors the two of you were a thing to get them off your backs with the whole ordeal. From there, you two also started to go in for some therapy. It wasn't much, it was just something to make sure you both could be happy with one another.

So, it was a nice Sunday afternoon, a good day off for everyone. You were lying out on the courtyard, enjoying the weather of the day. As you were sitting, a shadow appeared over you and blocked out the sun. You slowly looked up and saw Hado standing over you. You smiled up at her and gestured for her to sit down with you. She did and laid her head down on your shoulder.

Hado: Whatcha reading?

(Y/N): Frankenstein. Dandy Man insisted I'd be more "versed" in my reading material.

Hado: Oh? How is it?

(Y/N): A little wordy, but really good otherwise.

Hado nodded and looked back around nature within the courtyard. You wrapped an arm around her to keep her in place as you kept reading. You had to admit, it got pretty comical when Hado waited for you to say when to flip the page. At some point, you assumed she started to read along with you out of either sheer boredom or curiosity. Either way, it was fun for the next hour.

You then closed the book after chapter 20 and yawned a little as you looked over at Hado. She sprung to her feet and quickly pulled you up.

(Y/N): Whoa. Ok then.

Hado: Come on! I want to show you something!

(Y/N): What is it?

Hado: It's a surprise! I can't tell you! It would ruin everything!

(Y/N): Ok, ok. Sheesh. Alright, where are we going?

Hado handed you a piece of cloth. You cocked your eyebrow and she pointed to her eyes. You sighed and covered your eyes with the blindfold and held out your hand to Hado. She took it and you could hear a familiar sound.

(Y/N): Wait, are we flying there?! Nejire, I don't like-

Hado giggled and took off. You screamed a little bit but nonetheless, you held on for dear life. You had no idea where in the world you would be going, but hopefully, you were going somewhere somewhat familiar...again, you hoped. Regardless, you landed after about ten minutes of flying. Once you did, you did the usual vomit once, felt dizzy, and all that fun stuff. You sighed and stood right back up.

(Y/N): It's been five months since the last time you did that. Could you please not.

Hado: Nope. It's fun.

(Y/N): OH hardy har har.

Hado: Oh, alright. Blindfold is coming off now. Ready?

(Y/N): Don't think I have a choice here.

Hado undid the blindfold and quickly took it away from your eyes. You winced a little due to the sunlight hitting your eyes but you slowly opened them. Looking around, you were amazed a bit as you saw you were on a far-off hill with a single tree. Under it was a blanket with a basket. You looked back to Hado and saw her smile nice and wide.

(Y/N): Little cliche, don't you think?

Hado: Do you want a picnic with your girlfriend, or not?

You rolled your eyes and chuckled a little.

(Y/N): Nice to know your hidden sass levels are still a thing.

Hado: Yep!

Hado took your hand and guided you towards the blanket and tree trunk. You put little to no resistance at all as you loved it when Hado was genuinely happy or excited. You both sat down and Hado began to rummage through the basket. While she was doing that, you decided to take in the scenery around you. It was peaceful, to say the least. Stunning actually would be a better term for it. Hado tapped you on the shoulder and handed you a small plate with a sandwich on it.

You smiled and took it from her as she grabbed another plate, another sandwich, and a small container of jasmine tea. She playfully gestures the container to you and you nod in agreement. She then reached into the basket and joyfully sprung a second container filled with tea. That got you to chuckle a little. Her playful attitude really did make you laugh.

From there, you two basically just ate and hung out with one another. It didn't help much that you were starving constantly so there wasn't much in the way of conversation. But it was still nice nonetheless. The meal itself only lasted about ten or fifteen minutes, but again, it was nice. Once you guys were done, you both opted to just sit and watch the nature around you. You sighed in contempt as you wrapped an arm around Hado and pulled her closer to you. She rested her head on your shoulder and also sighed in contempt.

Hado: I'm happy you do this more often.

(Y/N): Sorry I don't do it more.

Hado: You're just testing the waters, that's all. Take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting for you. You know that, right?

(Y/N): Yeah...I know. But for how long?

Hado: Huh?

(Y/N): How long would you wait for me? To get better at this. Not long I presume. I mean, you deserve so much more than me and I-

Hado: I love you.

(Y/N): Nejire.

Hado: I love you. We each have our problems. And that's why we attract I guess. What I'm trying to say is, (Y/N), no matter how long it takes, I love you. And I want to see you as often as I can. I want to spend time with you. I want you to hold me. I love it when you do that. I may look it, but I'm not dainty. And the sheer fact that you think I won't love you anymore is just...absurd to me. And I-

You cut her off. Of course, you would. How did you do it? How else? You couldn't resist kissing her there on the spot. It was a welcomed relief when she kissed back. The two of you just stayed like that for some time, embraced under the cherry tree. Enjoying one another's time. Eventually, you broke the kiss and gazed into one another's eyes.

(Y/N): I love you too.

Hado smiled at you and she laid her head down on your chest. You brought her closer to you and sighed a little.

(Y/N): So...

Hado: So...

(Y/N): Want to get married?

Hado: To you or anyone?

(Y/N): Me?

Hado: Yes.

(Y/N): Good. I'll go buy you a ring and some flowers later.

Hado slowly looked up at you and was basically shocked out of it. You looked down at her and smiled wide. She returned the smile and laid her head back down on your chest. You cuddled her up closer to you and sighed in contempt once again.

(Y/N): I love you, Nejire.

Hado: And I love you too, (Y/N).

You two smiled, kissed, and returned your gaze to the now setting sun. Closing out a beautiful day. But...all because the day ended did not mean your story did either. Besides, not everything is as it appears to be. 

Nejire Hado X Male Reader: Not What They Appear to BeWhere stories live. Discover now