Work Life

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You and Nejire flew through the skies of Japan until you both landed firmly at the fork in the road which leads to both agencies. Your legs shook a little as you were placed onto the ground. You placed your hands on your knees as you took some deep breaths, trying to calm down from the rush of the air around you. You looked back at her and nearly threw up until you kept it in your mouth. You swallowed your vomit as Hado laughed a little.

You stood back up and looked at your friend, with a slight smile on your face.

(Y/N): I'm good.

Hado: You always get like this. You'd think you would get used to this. Maybe we could get you some new air transport and-

(Y/N): Nejire. I could have just walked. Or taken a train. Why do you constantly do this to me?

Hado: Oh come on. You know why.

Hado smiled at you as you slightly smiled back with a chuckle. Hado walked up to you and hugged you quickly before she began to walk down the road towards Ryukyu's agency. So, you smiled a bit and walked down the street to your agency. The Asura Agency. You had been training under him for a few months, enjoying the small-time deals he offered. Not to mention, his more relaxed attitude helped out a lot in terms of conversation.

You walked inside the agency and smiled as you saw some of the sidekicks roam around the halls. You went up the escalator and to the main office of the agency. You heard a loud scream and some more yells. You then heard a sigh and saw the boss' daughter, Mizu sitting on a bench outside. She saw you and waved a little.

Mizu: Hey N-Gen!

(Y/N): Hey Mizu. I take it the boss is charging up.

Mizu: Yep. Just getting his anger up with my mother. How's school going?

(Y/N): Oh the usual. They want more heroes in the field so they sent me back.

Mizu: Well, I'm sure my father would love the extra hand.

(Y/N): Nice to know.

Mizu: So, how's that girl of yours?

(Y/N): How is that relevant?

Mizu: I see you looking at her every time we all work together. And I know you two are close. So, spill a little would ya! I want to know! Tell me, please!

(Y/N): Well...I mean-

The doors to the office slammed open and you saw Asura walk outside with his wife right beside him.

Asura: Are you sure? Are you absolutely positive I didn't go-

Ukuran: Doragon, you are alright.

Asura: I mean that, Ukuran! Are you absolutely-

Ukuran: You apologize again, I will be upset with you!

Asura: I'm JUST TRYING TO BE NICE! (Waves at you) Hey N-Gen!

Asura stopped himself and slowly turned to look at you. You gave him a smile and waved your hand at him. He sighed.

Asura: More pro heroes?

(Y/N): More pro heroes.

Asura: Alright. Let's get going.

Asura walked past his wife and she kissed him on the lips as he got onto the escalator with you behind him.

Ukuran: Stay safe!

Asura: I will! Mizu, lead Graviton towards the city square. There have been a few break-ins around the area. Get investigating.

Nejire Hado X Male Reader: Not What They Appear to BeWhere stories live. Discover now