In the Hole

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You leapt off of the roof and used your quirk to easily and safely slid down the walls to the alleyway. You silently opened the manhole cover and jumped down inside.

(Y/N): Alright then. Showtime!

You began to run through the swears, trying to see if there was anything of note down there. You slowed down just a bit as you walked down the pipeline. You didn't want to use your quirk in fear it could backfire and do more harm than good. It wasn't a gas line, but it could still do some serious damage. You continued to walk down the pipe and found a small dent in the wall in the shape of the door.

(Y/N): (Thinking) Subtle.

You placed your hand on the door and slowly began to melt it down. Your quirk made you radiate energy from your arms and legs. So, in doing so, you could super-heat any surface to melt it down. Essentially, you were raw energy. Once the door melted down, you slowly began to walk down inside of it. You scanned around as you stepped down and into a small chamber.

You stuck to the shadows as you slowly moved around it. It looked like a small lab. Chemicals were on every table and there were more than enough supplies here to engineer chemicals and...bombs. Maybe even some new drugs, who knew. The materials were all present. It was only a matter of time till they did something to it. You always noticed some guns.

There was an airsoft store not too far from here. It could have been the locations they broke into the days before. But why though? ...Administering the drug in a legal way. A toy for children. You walked over to one of the tables and looked over it. It seemed that this family definitely wanted to start spreading out into the black market. But when and how was the question. A door clung open on the far side of the lab. You quickly took cover behind some crates in the corner and waited. Two men and a woman walked down the stairs and into the lab.

Woman: Father, the drug isn't ready. Not yet. Give us more time.

Father: I have! I have pushed this operation back by a whole year! We cannot wait any longer.

Woman: Father!

Father: No more! Take your brother and begin packing! We get these out into the field. Whoever uses them is our test subject. Understand?!

Woman: Yes father.

The older man, the father of these two, began to walk back up the stairs. A door then slammed closed as some lights came on. You were close to some structure. And an easy entry point for this family. You didn't move, instead choosing to listen. You could hear some bottles clink together as well as some grunting. What sounded like crates being lifted was heard. You calm down a little. Yes, you were on edge, but now wasn't the time.

You heard some more banging and then a loud crash.

Woman: What the hell?!

Brother: Oh, I'm sorry! Did I scare you, little girl?!

Woman: Oh up yours!

Brother: Hey! We are not foreigners!

Woman: Only you would make that joke!

Brother: It's called honesty, sis. Learn to live with it!

The woman groaned again as she resumed her work. Clear animosity between the family. You pressed a button on your wrist, alerting Asura to your location. You then placed your hands along the ground and began to use your quirk to overload some of the lights. Eventually, one dimed out and another exploded. Both the woman and her brother shrieked slightly two more lights blew up as others dimed. They began to look around for the source.

Brother: What the hell?!

Woman: What's happening? Mom?!

Brother: No. Mom cant do something like this!

Nejire Hado X Male Reader: Not What They Appear to BeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant