Dinner With A Special Request

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Olivia's voice soft and caring "Hey sweetheart, everything okay? You are really quiet. You're not too tired for date night are you?" Amanda took a deep breath, squeezing her love's hand "No babe, not at all. Alone time with you is always a plus." Liv smiled and laughed, "Yeah we dont get much of that at home do we? Especially where we live together and have three kids plus a crazy dog." Amanda shook her head, smiling "We sure do have a lively household." Amanda had a huge smile on her face as she pulled into the restaurant. But those butterflies were in her stomach starting to flutter more. She got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side, opening Olivia's door. Being as romantic as she could even with her nerves as shot as they were. She held her girlfriend's hand as they walked in.

"Reservation for Rollins for two." the hostess grabbed two menus and brought them to a table that was in a more quiet spot. Amanda was grateful for that. She wanted tonight to be as intimate as it could with them out in public. Amanda pulled out Liv's chair and then sat in her own. Liv smiled "Boy Rollins, you're in an awful romantic mood tonight." Amanda smiled, "Well it's been a while since we have been out by ourselves. I feel it's justified." The waiter came over and finally took their order since they had decided. Liv wanted the salmon in a garlic sauce with zucchini and veggies. Amanda had ordered her garlic steak with sauteed onions and zucchini as well as green beans. She loved her veggies. They talked and just enjoyed each other. Soon their meal came. Amanda had made sure they had a fresh bottle of Sauvignon blanc for what she had planned. When they finished their meal the waiter brought them over a couple dessert menus.

"So Amanda anything look good to you for a dessert?" Liv peered up from her menu. Amanda looked at her, scaling her up and down. "Yeah, you." Olivia eyed her, blushing slightly "Manda..." Amanda giggled, telling her girlfriend she was gonna get some tiramisu and order some cannolis since Olivia had been talking about them lately. When the waiter came back around she put the order in for the cannolis and tiramisu. She then excused herself to go to the restroom. On her way to the bathroom she stopped near the kitchen, asking the pastry chef to come over quickly. She told her of her plan to propose to her girlfriend and asked if she could put the ring around one of the cannolis'. The pastry chef smiled and said sure, that she would be happy to. Amanda pulled the ring out of her pocket and handed it to her. She watched as the pastry chef placed the ring on the cannoli. Amanda gave her a twenty dollar bill for helping. The pastry chef told her to go finish her ruse and that the desserts would be out in a few minutes as well as some fresh savignon blanc. Amanda went and used the bathroom, nerves now hitting her hard. She washed her hands, took a deep breath and walked back out to their table. When Liv asked what took so long she said there was a line in the restroom. Just then the waiter brought over some wine to fill their glasses and their desserts.

When it was time, Liv looked at Amanda as the waiter put their desserts on the table. Of course the waiter put the basket of cannolis near Amanda, keeping the dessert covered so it stayed warm. Amanda just kept looking at Liv as they tried the tiramisu. Liv feeling the eyes on her caught Amanda staring. "MM why are you staring at me? Do I have cake on my face somewhere?" Amanda giggled, "No Liv. You dont. I'm just in awe of what I have with you." Olivia blushed lightly "Manda. I'm lucky too. I found in you what I've never had before." Amanda looked at Olivia, "I'm so glad you feel that way." Olivia smiled. After they finished the cake Amanda had the waiter refill their wine, as she did that she uncovered the cannolis. Making sure the one with the ring was facing her girlfriend and hopefully soon to be fiancee if all went well. She picked up the cannoli closest to her and took a bite. "MM Liv you should try one. They are nice and fresh." Olivia nodded and picked one up, seeing the ring on it she cocked her head, "Amanda?"

Amanda looked at Olivia. Amanda smiled, taking Olivia's hand in her own "Olivia, I have loved you for a long time. Probably even longer than we have been together if I'm being honest. You have been there for me and even given me the kick in the ass when I needed it. You had my back with all the shit with Kim, even though you werent happy with me when I took her back in after she got out of jail. You've helped me out tremendously especially with my most recent pregnancy and me being so on the fence and even contemplating abortion. You didnt talk me out of it, you showed me support and understanding which I wasnt getting from Al. When I told him I couldnt marry him cause I wasnt in love with him it hurt him yes. Thats why he abandoned us. But the person I was really in love with and still am is YOU. Us dating, and even making a family with our kids it's made me the happiest I've been in a long time. So Olivia Margaret Benson will you do me the honor of cementing our family and become my life partner, my wife? I am asking you Olivia, Will You Marry Me?"

Olivia looked at Amanda, who was holding the ring and wanting to put it on her finger. She couldnt believe it someone actually wanted to spend the rest of their life with her. Someone actually wanted marry her. She was floored and speechless. When she went to speak there were tears in her eyes. "Amanda I... wow... I never expected this. I never in my life expected to find someone who would love me unconditionally, well besides Noah. Someone who would take me as I am, and love me for that. Not only that, you love my son like he is your own. You took him on without a second thought. I mean I did the same for Jesse and Billie. But after everything that we've been through you just came in and accepted him. You make me happy, and proud seeing the detective and mother you have become. I love you more than words can say, hell more than there are stars in the sky. If you are really sure that you want to spend the rest of your life being my life partner and wife, then yes Amanda Rollins, I will marry you."

Amanda placed the single white gold band, with a heart shaped diamond on her now fiancee's finger. Then cupped her chin and kissed her lovingly. "Thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world."

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