Chapter Thirty-Five: Exposed

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Gideon was stunned for a moment before a smile broke across his face. Earning twenty points for Slytherin was the last thing he could have imagined coming of his conversation with the deputy headmistress.

'Please take heed, though, Mr Maxwell,' Professor Long added in a more solemn tone, 'It is not a good time to be traversing the school alone and without witnesses. Particularly, I'm afraid, for students who have already garnered a certain, shall we say, reputation.'

Gideon nodded in understanding. If he hadn't set fire to the door, then he had only his worst enemies to speak to his innocence. He would have to be more careful in the future, especially now that a new possibility had come to mind. Could someone be trying to frame him?


Gideon had a tough time sleeping that night. There was just so much on his mind. It was in moments like this that he missed his elf friend, Tolly the most. Tolly would always be happy, eager even, to hear about how Gideon was getting on at school. Now and then, he would even have a token piece of advice that would lift Gideon's mood.

Ruby had been a good friend to him over the past couple of weeks. Gideon decided that when he saw her next, he would confide in her about his family situation—as well as update her on the latest fire. He thought it would be a good gesture of friendship, but mainly, he just needed to talk to someone.


'Have you seen? The doors to the courtyard are covered in scorch marks!' Gideon heard a Ravenclaw girl tell her friends over breakfast the next morning.

'Another fire?' one of them replied.

'Looks like it!'

'Maybe it's just a stain?'

'Oh, come on,' another whispered, 'it's bound to be him, isn't it?'



Gideon sputtered and choked on a mouthful of cereal, both mildly amused and greatly annoyed that the nickname Greg had invented was spreading so quickly. He put down his spoon and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

'Shush!' someone hissed. 'He's right behind us!'

Taking that as his cue to exit, Gideon rolled his eyes and made to leave, intending to wait in the Entrance Hall for Ruby to appear. As he left the Great Hall, though, he found somebody waiting for him.

'Morning,' said Talia.

'Oh, hi,' said Gideon, caught off guard.

'Your important items?' she said with a wry smile, holding up Gideon's large Honeydukes bag.

Gideon laughed but flushed red with embarrassment as he took the bag, 'Thanks, Talia. I'm sorry for running out on you yesterday.'

'Don't worry about it,' she said coolly.

'I'm not sure how to explain,' Gideon started.

'Then don't,' she added.

'No, I want to. It must have looked weird.'

'Nah. I was more worried about what happened with Professor Long,' Talia said with concern. 'Just as I was coming back from Hogsmeade, I saw her leading you off somewhere. It looked like you might be in trouble?'

'Oh, so you saw what happened?' Gideon questioned.

'Well,' Talia said hesitantly, 'I saw the scorch marks on the door. She doesn't think you did it, does she?'

'I don't think so. I mean, I explained myself and she's looking into it. With the way things are going, though, don't be surprised if I'm kicked out.'

'I'm sure that won't happen,' she assured Gideon.

Gideon Drake and the Fire Within (Harry Potter Sequel/Spinoff)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ