Season 1 Episode 9 - Baby Sister

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Charlotte confined in Sean about her attack.
Asbo opened up.

Sean is sitting inside a car as he is sitting in the drivers seat looking out the drivers side window and a moment later the man who almost raped Charlotte walks out of his flat and walks down the street and Sean looks down to his lap and picks up...

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Sean is sitting inside a car as he is sitting in the drivers seat looking out the drivers side window and a moment later the man who almost raped Charlotte walks out of his flat and walks down the street and Sean looks down to his lap and picks up his handgun and reloads the loaded firearm weapon and he darkly glares to the man and he slowly drives following the man.

Charlotte is busy working away at the hairdressers as she is cutting a older womans hair when her phone rings and Charlotte smiles politely at the customer tgrough the mirror in front of them and says "I'll only be a minute Sweetie" and the woman ...

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Charlotte is busy working away at the hairdressers as she is cutting a older womans hair when her phone rings and Charlotte smiles politely at the customer tgrough the mirror in front of them and says "I'll only be a minute Sweetie" and the woman nods her head "Okay Love". Charlotte puts the scissors down and she walks off into the staff room and takes her mobile phone from her back jean pocket and presses the phone to her ear and says "Hello?" Dennis replies "Hey Charlotte its Dennis" and Charlotte smiles and says "Oh hi Den, you okay?" Dennis replies "Yeah I've got the day off and just wondered if you fancied doing something?" Charlotte says "Oh I would but I'm at work" and Dennis says in a dissapointed tone of voice "Oh" and Charlotte says "But I finish at five? We could go into town and get dinner and some drinks?" Dennis' face lights up and he says "Sounds great, I'll pick you up at yours at six?" Charlotte says "Sounds perfect Den, I'll see you at six" and Dennis nods and says "Okay Charlie" and Charlie hangs up the phone and puts her mobile phone away and walks back to the customer.

 Charlotte puts the scissors down and she walks off into the staff room and takes her mobile phone from her back jean pocket and presses the phone to her ear and says "Hello?" Dennis replies "Hey Charlotte its Dennis" and Charlotte smiles and says...

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Later that day Charlotte's attacker walks through a alley and Sean gets out of his car and hides his gun inside his jacket and follows the man and the man cautiously looks behind him to see Sean and Sean walks faster and catches up with the man and grabs a fistful of the man's hair and rams the man into the wall and the man shouts "What the fuck man? Whats your problem?" Sean presses his forearm against the man's throat and darkly glares at the man as he takes out his gun and says "You tried to rape my little Sister...she was at a night out and she was trying to get home when u started touching her up and tried to rape her. Ring any bells?" Sean presses the gun to the mans stomach and the man pleadingly says "No please don't, I got a family!" Sean says "Well you should have thought of them before you attacked my kid sister! My sister means everything to me, nobody and I mean no one hurts my baby sister" and Sean pulls the trigger and the man gasps in pain and Sean pulls the trigger again shooting the attacker multiple times. Sean takes a step away and tucks the gun inside his jeans and walks off.

Sean's victim is on the news as Charlotte questions her Brother.
Dennis takes Charlotte out.

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