Season 1 Episode 6 - No Repercussions

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Charlotte was attacked and almost raped as Asbo saved her.
Kev and Sean worried for a missing Charlotte.

The next morning Charlotte opens her eyes and she looks around her taking in her surroundings and looks around the bedroom and she sits up in bed and she pulls back the covers as the memories of the previous night come flooding back

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The next morning Charlotte opens her eyes and she looks around her taking in her surroundings and looks around the bedroom and she sits up in bed and she pulls back the covers as the memories of the previous night come flooding back. Dennis and Tracy are sitting in the kitchen as Dennis says as Charlotte walks downstairs holding her handbag and high heeled shoes "Look Mum, all I'm saying is just don't make a huge deal out of it" Tracy says "You brought a girl home last night Denny" and Dennis sighs and says "I slept on the couch, listen Charlie's just a friend okay she's my Boss' Daughter" Tracy grumbles. Charlotte walks into the living room and Dennis feels a presence behind him so he turns around and his face falls and he asks "Charlotte, you okay?" Charlotte nods and says "Yeah I'm fine, thanks for last night but I better get on home" Dennis says "You don't have to, at least stay for breakfast?" Charlotte looks to Dennis and his Mother and says "I would but I don't want to be a burden and besides I better get back to my Dad he's probably called the police by now" and Dennis nods and Charlotte looks to the elder woman and says "It was nice to meet you Mrs. Severs, thank you for letting me stay last night" and Tracy softly smiles at Charlotte and says "Not a problem Love, it was nice to meet you too. Stay safe out there" and Dennis says "I can walk you home?" Charlotte smiles and says "Thanks but my pal is gonna pick me up but thanks for last night" and Charlotte approaches Dennis and she wraps her arms around him and envelopes him into a hug and Tracy looks between the youngsters and Charlotte says "I best go" and Dennis softly smiles as Charlotte walks out of the estate flat.

Kev paces up and down and as Trish says "Kev, calm down" and Kev says "How am I supposed to stay calm?! My Daughter hasn't came home all night! If anythings happened to her I'll never forgive myself"

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Kev paces up and down and as Trish says "Kev, calm down" and Kev says "How am I supposed to stay calm?! My Daughter hasn't came home all night! If anythings happened to her I'll never forgive myself". A moment later Charlotte walks inside the house and Kev and Trish look to her and Kev's face drops and he rushes towards and he engulfs her in a hug and says "Where the hell you been?" Trish asks "Why haven't you returned our calls?" Charlotte sniffles and looks to Kev and says "I stayed at a friends last night, and my phone died I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you" and Kev smiles as he fondly looks at his only child and says "Its fine, at least you're home now. Why don't you go on upstairs and get a bath or shower and get into fresh PJ's and I'll make you something to must be hungry" Charlotte weakly smiles and she says "Thanks Daddy" and she looks around and asks "Where's Sean?" Trish says annoyed "He's out looking for you" and Charlotte nods and Kev says "I'll call him and let him know you're back home safe and sound Babygirl" and Charlotte nods as she walks off upstairs. Kev deeply exhales as he takes out his mobile phone and Trish looks to Kev sternly and Kev notices Trish's eye contact and he asks "What?" Trish says "After she stayed out all night last night, there's no repercussions?! She should be at least grounded!" Kev says "Trish I love you but Charlie is my Daughter, so I can handle it" and Trish deeply sighs.

Trish advises Kev.
Charlotte gets closer to Dennis as she thanks him.
Sean is determined to get to the truth of what truly happened on the night out.

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