Run Up

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After last night, confused, I managed to clean up the guest room a little bit. Julius had me to wash everything all over again, vacuuming and cleaning the hallway bathroom even though things were already done. This morning his now expected guest is supposed to be here later on.

Today I had a few clients to meet and I had to make it to my meeting early this evening. I figured since after the meeting, I wouldn't have much to do so I took the rest of the day off. It was Friday and I wanted to at least get this day over with and try to have a relaxing weekend.

I was already dressed for my meeting and I made a quick breakfast. Scrambling eggs, frying bacon and I made some pancakes. I made a plate for Julius and put it in the microwave until he wakes up. And then I had to make a grocery store run because he thinks that this is the mansion of Bel-Air and I had to cook this huge fucking dinner tonight for him and his friend.

After I made the food, I closed everything up and went back to grab my shoes. When I got I to the bedroom Julius was knocked out so instead of kissing him or anything, I wrote a note and told him that I would see him later. I put on my red bottom heels and grabbed my purse. I quickly went downstairs and grabbed my keys.

I walked outside and locked the doors. Then I took the long way to work. As I was driving, my friend Bre called me.

"Hey Kay." She said.

"Hi Bre. How are you?" I said putting her on speaker.

"I'm good. You are coming into work today right?" She asked.

"Yeah.. I'm on the way now, Julius was tripping I think. I don't know what the hell happened to him last night." I said.

I heard a shuffle and she gasped.

"Tell me he didn't put his hands on you again Kay!" She yelled.

" He didn't Bre. I'm still healing from the ones yesterday but last night he was all of a sudden... nice. It was so fucking weird. But he tried to tell me not to disrespect him and I had to do the most in getting the guest room ready for his friend." I said.

"Wait..what friend?" She asked confused.

"That's just it Bre.. I have never known any of his friends and if it's a bitch, I feel like I'm going to kill him and catch a fucking charge." I said.

"Well I hope not Bre. But that was weird though. Seems like he got a bipolar issue or something." She said.

"That's what I'm saying.. why would he be nice to meet all because if this "friend" it's like his friend knows more than what I do or some shit! Last time he was nice like that I almost fell into a fucking coma." I said stopping at a red light.

"Right, I remember that sis.. you was out of work for a few months. I couldn't believe that fucking lie he told." She said.

"What lie? I still don't remember half of what the hell happened because we were fighting. And until this day, he still will not explain to me what happened to me." I said.

"Well, if I remember correctly. He called here and told the boss that he found you down by the stairs. But I figured that was a damn lie. You just wouldn't fall down the stairs Kay. Even I had more fucking common sense than that." She said.

"Yeah your right.. that explains why I suffered from amnesia the way I did. I couldn't remember shit but we were arguing upstairs. I'm just glad I am still living..well for now." I said as I reached the garage.

"Kay.. please don't ever let me hear that shit come out of your mouth! I cannot deal with losing another fucking friend that's close to me. I just can't. Your going to get through this shit.. maybe that friend guy or whoever the nigga is, could enlighten you on some shit. But you just got to be careful around your psychotic husband." She said.

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