To Our Youth That Is Fading Away Chapter 9 Part 1

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Also, I have officially decided to change Leader Zhang’s name translation to Lao Zhang because that’s what he’s called throughout the book and it’s kinda a nickname. “Lao” can be translated into many things from “old” to “Boss” to “Leader” but Chinese people do often call people “Lao” (old) or “Xiao” (small) followed by their last name. For example, Lao Zhang, or Xiao Hong; Zhang and Hong being two different last names. I also feel it fits the translation better since Zhang is called Lao Zhang throughout the whole book it acts like an actual name. I won’t change it in previous translations but just so you guys know Leader Zhang = Lao Zhang.

“Why do I care if you’re positive or crooked, you, apologize immediately!” After Zheng Wei yelled this sentence, she seemed to hear a loud laugh, but she wasn’t sure if this came from this extremely evil man’s mouth, because after he gave his big name, he kept his back to her, concentrating on adjusting the model on the table.

Ignoring her. This was an even bigger insult than cursing or shoving, it was like a challenge to Zheng Wei’s anger. She went to that person’s side: “Say it, why did you push me like that, you are a waste of a boy, you actually pushed a strengthless, weak woman, outrageous, if this isn’t attitude then what is, you’re mute, don’t think that if you pretend to be stupid it’ll be okay!” Zheng Wei saw that her spittle almost splashed onto his face, but he still acted as if she didn’t exist, so she couldn’t help but shove him.

He finally looked at her, word by word he said: “I pushed you because you didn’t only break my stuff, but you even blocked my path to save it. Let me tell you, I don’t care who in this dormitory brought you over, but be a little more careful, I don’t like it when people touch my stuff, and I hate it even more when people point at my nose.”

“You……” Zheng Wei was just about to give another outburst when Lao Zhang who had hurried back over dragged her to one side, “What are you doing, I didn’t leave for long, but how did it become this chaotic, Wei Wei, if you have things to say, say them well, don’t be mad, don’t be mad.”

“If I’m not mad I’m not a person! Lao Zhang, what kind of a monster do you have living in your dormitory, that specializes in bullying girls.” Zheng Wei watched Lao Zhang, and her anger wouldn’t come out properly.

Lao Zhang had a face of confusion, he looked at the guy opposite Zheng Wei, “A Zheng (A Zheng is a nickname) what happened?”

That guy glanced at Zheng Wei, “Whatever, I don’t want to talk about it, Lao Zhang, since you brought her over, I will consider this in the past, but there better not be a second time, and you have to tell her, she can’t touch anything she wants to.”

He obviously looked at her, but asked Lao Zhang to relay his words, he obviously couldn’t be bothered to talk to her, “What are you talking about, even if I made a move first, you were also wrong, but for that rubbish plaything you could actually push me onto the ground, what great thing is that? And you even don’t even feel the least bit impolite?”

Lao Zhang got a little clued in on what they were talking about, busily he said, “It was a misunderstanding, pure misunderstanding, everyone let’s calm down. Wei Wei, I’ll send you back to your dormitory first.

“No, I must get an apology first.” Zheng Wei glared at that guy with a tough manner.

Lao Zhang looked at that guy with a conflicted glance, that guy coldly laughed, mocking Zheng Wei, “Why should I apologize? Even though this thing may be worthless, it has a lot more worth than you.”

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