Two Histories

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Miss Gulch had a reason why she loved the red slippers so much.  It was because they had belonged to Nina, and Nina... well, Nina was gone and it was all because of Henry.

In Almira's mind, it had been the Gales' fault Nina died. Her sister had been deeply in love with Henry. He, however, was oblivious to her existence.

Nina had gone into a decline when she realised that he didn't even know who she was. Eventually, Almira convinced her to speak with him.

When Nina had returned from her interview with Henry, she was in tears.  Mr. Gale had told her almost roughly that he did not love her and never could.  He had then told her that he was going to marry Emily Smith, who was Almira's age.  Henry was four years older.

Nina had died a month after her rejection of  scarlet fever, but Almira was convinced that it was Henry's fault for breaking her heart.

Miss Gulch now road her bike down the path to the sheriff's office.

"Sheriff!"  She exclaimed as she limped into the building, "I've come about the Gales' dog!"

Mr. Mullen, the town sheriff, hurriedly took his feet off his desk and sat up politely as the richest woman in town came in.

"What's he done this time ma'am?"

"He's bitten my leg! I demand a warrant for it's destruction!"

Mr. Mullen looked startled. "Bitten you! Did he break the skin?"

"No, but he might've! He tore my stalking!  Just look at the mark!"

There was indeed a dark bruise on Almira's ankle.

"Oh... oh I see."

Mr. Mullen looked reluctant to admit the seriousness of the situation.  Miss Gulch, however, was not going to give in.

"There must be a law against dogs biting!"

"There is ma'am."

"Well then, I demand a warrant allowing me to take that dog!"

"Alright, alright, you'll get your warrant.  One moment."

Mr. Mullen sat down at his desk.  He quickly, but almost with antipathy, wrote up and sighed the document needed.  Standing, he gave it to Almira with a polite bow.

"There you are Miss Gulch.  I... I wish you luck in your dealings."

"Thank you sheriff, you are sure to have my vote in the next election."

With a swish of her black dress, she was gone.  Mr. Mullen shook his head in regret and sat down heavily in his chair.

Almira, meanwhile, was back on her bicycle and heading towards the Gales' farm. 

"Those good-for-nothing Gales will pay for what that dog did!" She vowed to herself, "I'll take the dog and if they refuse to hand it over, then I can have what I've wanted for years. Their farm!"

When Miss Gulch arrived, she instantly noticed three farmhands outside of the barn working with the hogs.  A feeling of aversion and anger came into her chest at the sight of them.

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