"Do you think i can stay here for the night?" He asked. "If not it's okay, i can always find another place."

    "Yes, you can stay. You're always welcomed here George, and you know that," Karl told the slightly shorter brunette who then laid his head onto Karl's shoulder once again.

    "Now sit down and please tell me what happened, and why you're upset."

    George looked at Karl directly in the eyes, and started explaining everything that had happened. He chocked back his own tears several times. It's not that he didn't like crying in front of Karl, but George knew if he started crying, he'd never stop and the story would never be finished. Clay was brought up a few times, but not in a bad way. George told Karl how Clay made him feel, and how he questioned if Clay actually had feelings for him.

    "I just don't understand," George spit out as he chocked back tears once again. "What is wrong with me? Do you think Clay even likes me like that?

    Karl sat there in shock.

    "I'm so sorry George, you don't deserve any of that," Karl told George to comfort him. "But of course Clay has feelings for you. Do you not see the way he looks at you when you are around him? Pretty sure he realized that love at  first sight was a real thing."

    "I hope so," George replied in an upset tone. "I just hope i don't mess it up. What if i'm the reason he gets in trouble with his parents, or i'm an embarrassment to him?"

    Karl pulled George into a tight hug, rubbing circles into best friends back.

    "You won't mess it up, and if you can't tell, you are definitely not an embarrassment to him, George." Karl spoke.

    He was being completely honest with George, and nothing was made up to make him feel better. Karl really thought that Clay liked George, or even loved him.

    Karl then released from George and walked downstairs. He had gotten called for dinner, but instead he brought both of their plates upstairs. Karl's parents made extra for George.

    The two ate in a comfortable, but sad silence. It was almost turning to uncomfortable silence honestly. George was in an awful mood and probably had no tears left with how much he cried, and Karl felt awful because he didn't know how to help.

    "If you want," Karl began. "You can stay here as long as you need. Unless you end up wanting to go to someone else's house after a while, but this place will always be here for you."

    "Thanks Karl, i'd love that," George smiled. He was glad he had Karl by his side. God, he didn't know where he would be without him. Most likely dead, or alone.

    The two finished their plates and Karl took them down to the sink and washed them. George got up and grabbed his things for a shower. He usually took them in the morning, but he needed to take one right now. George undressed and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt good on his pale skin. It relieved the stress from his mind. However, there was one thought that kept coming back to him.

    What was Schlatts purpose of doing this?

    George had always been picked on by Schlatt, and that's why they were on bad terms. No one really knew if Schlatt was considered 'popular' or if he was just 'normal' and a lot of people knew who he was. George didn't care about that though, he just wanted to know why Schlatt did this. George had never done anything bad to him, ever. If anything, Schlatt was the one doing all of the bad things. George had never even hurt Schlatt. George sank down to the floor of the shower with tears running down his face. He couldn't tell apart his tears from the water droplets in the shower, but he knew a lot of them were tears. Finally, he got up, washed his hair and body, and got out. George hadn't kept track of time and hoped he didn't spend to much time on the shower.

    George got dressed quickly before making his way to Karl's bed. He slid next to Karl and curled up under the sheet. Karl figured he wouldn't bother George, he needed space. So, he let him be. George quickly drifted off to sleep. His eyes were heavy from crying ever since the incident happened.

    Karl had been scrolling through social media and waiting for sleep to overcome him. Then he heard a buzz. He looked over to find it was George's phone, and it was from Clay <3. Karl checked the message incase it was anything he needed to wake George up for.

Clay <3
can u come over
i need to ask u something

    Karl didn't want to leave Clay on read, but he didn't know if George wanted to be anywhere but Karl's at the time.

    He wondered what Clay was going to ask George.

(1445 Words)
holy crap, 20k reads?? very poggers u guys. thank you all so so much. anyways, i'm sorry if this chapter is a little boring, i haven't had much motivation to write and we still have to get past the boring parts before we get to the good parts my loves ;)

also i'm sorry for the schlatt slander, i promise i love him with all my heart.

you're amazing, ily. <3

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