"My baby has nothing to do with your war for control for he quarter!" She yelled.

"That's where you are wrong! It has everything to do with it." He argued. "The witches say your baby is going to be the most powerful thing to step foot in the quarter.. makes sense if you think about it original hybrid and vampire make a baby... there's no way it's not."

Adeline rolled her eyes, she hated the witches. If it wasn't for them, she probably wouldn't be in this position— had they just kept there mouths shut her and her baby would be okay.

"I'm sick of these witches and there evil proclamations about my baby— it's just a baby!"

"I wish that were true." He huffed. "I got a thing about not harming kids— but I have to do what I have to do."

"Marcel." She begged. "Please it's my baby. It's my chance— it's Klaus's chance!"

"You think I give a damn about Klaus's chance?"
Marcel shouted. "He killed half my men, half my family!"

"Marcel you tried to kill me— his wife, his baby." She pointed out. "What did you expect? You knew he would retaliate, and you knew you couldn't kill him. It is you who sentenced your family to their death."

He stared at Adeline, clenching his fists by his side. Her words his hit like a ton of bricks— she was right. He sentenced them to their death and for what? Control of the quarter? He couldn't admit that she was right, he tried to push it away. The guilt of there deaths would eat him alive.

"You're wrong." He snapped. "And I don't give a damn about klaus or you or your miracle baby. The quarter is all I have left— I have to protect it."

Adeline remembered listening to Klaus and Elijah talk about Marcel. He used to be kind, have a big heart. He even fell in love with Rebekah so she knew he was capable of compassion. Also seeing the way he loved his friends told her he did have a heart, she just needed to find it.

"This baby is my life— just like the quarter is for you." She admitted. "I lost my mom to cancer— it was awful and painful but I promised myself I would be a good mom to my kids one day, like she was to me. I promised I would tell them about their grandma even though they would never meet her. And then I got turned into a vampire and any hope of being a mother, of knowing that love— it was gone. But then, Klaus happened and this happened. This is my miracle, this is my everything. Please don't take that away from me."

Marcel listened to every word, he felt every word. There were a few things he expected to feel when he kidnapped Adeline to kill her— rage, betrayal, vengeance but he never expected to feel sad or guilt.

"Please." She pleaded. "You know if you kill me, you still won't have the quarter back. He will kill you."

"Not if I run." He shrugged.

"He will hunt you to the ends of the earth, he will never stop. You will spend the rest of your existence on the run— and forever is a long time Marcel."

He paced back and forth in front of her. She was right, this wasn't going to end well for him either way. He didn't even know what he end game was, he didn't plan it. He just listened to Mikayla gas him up, talk him into this being the only way out.

"I'm dead either way now." He sighed.

"I can protect you." She promised. "I can make sure Klaus doesn't kill you."

She meant what she said. If he spared her and her babies life, she would make sure his was spared.

"Marcel." Davina said, walking into the room. "Someone is doing magic— I can feel it."

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