Step Four: Plot With James Potter, Even Though He Is An Arrogant Toe-Rag

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❀ word count: 1161 ❀

The Astronomy Tower, Hogwarts
Fourth Year

Lily was really really dreading that night.

Of course, she didn't exactly know what was going to be so terrible about it, but she was dreading it nonetheless.

It had all started at breakfast when a small post owl had flown over her plate and dropped a small note. There was no return address, only an "L.E." written on the front. She unfolded it carefully and read it, Sirius reading over her shoulder. She had learned long ago that there was no point trying to stop him, so now he read all of her mail.

Astronomy tower @ midnight. Important.

She held it up so Sirius could read it and took a bite of her scone, chewing and swallowing before speaking again.

"You have any idea what that's about?"

Sirius shrugged and took a piece of Lily's scone.

"None. You?"

"Nope." Lily made eye contact with James and gestured to the letter. James nodded and mouthed, "Be there," then looked away before she could ask why.

So she was dreading that night. She was contemplating asking Sirius or Marlene to come with her, just in case James intended to throw her off the side of the tower, but decided against it. Something about the way James had looked at her at breakfast made her believe him.

As she went up the first step to the astronomy tower, a million scenarios flew through her head.

What if he pushes me off?

What if it was a prank?

What if he really just wants to talk?

What would he want to talk about?

What if all he wants is to make me do his homework?

What if we kiss?

What if- wait, kiss? Where did that come from...

By the time her brain had run through all of the what if's, she was at the top of the stairs. She took a deep breath, and pulled the door open.

James shot up from where he had been sitting near the edge of the tower as she walked in. He spread the blanket he had been sitting on so that there was room for Lily. Lily sat beside him, as far away as possible while still being on the blanket, and crossed her arms, her heart beating extremely fast.

"So, what do you want?" Lily said sharply.

James scoffed. "Hello to you too, and you're welcome for involving you in this!"

"I don't even know what 'this' is, Potter!"

"Shut up and let me explain then!"

"If you're going to be this rude, I'm leaving!"

"No wait," James grabbed Lily's wrist as she stood, then let go when she glared at him. "I'm sorry, ok? I'm just stressed, is all."

Lily sighed. As much as she hated the boy, she wouldn't just leave James alone when he was so upset over something, so she sat back down.

"Well then, talk to me."

James looked over and squinted at Lily. "What?"

"Talk to me. It sometimes helps with stress to talk to someone, so talk to me."

James shook his head and looked away again. "You wouldn't care, it's fine."

"Potter, come on. I care, ok?"

"I don't want to burden you, Lily, just go back to your dorm and sleep. We have a quiz tomorrow, you need rest."

"Hell no, James! I didn't drag my ass all the way up here at midnight just for you to send me away!" Lily scoffed again and kicked his ankle. "If you're not going to tell me what's bothering you so much, at least tell me why you wanted to talk and why it was so important."

"Well... you know that dance coming up in a couple months?"

"Potter, I swear if you're asking me to the dance right now-"

"No, Lily, that'd be a waste of time. I know you hate me." James rolled his eyes. "We need to get Remus and Sirius to go together."

Lily gasped and turned to face James again. "You've noticed that too?"

James nodded vigorously. "Yes! They're both completely whipped, I swear."

"Mhm," Lily agreed, also nodding, although not quite so vigorously. "So, what's your plan?"

"I was thinking me, Sirius, Remus, and Peter would plan to go together, and th-"

"Sirius, Remus, Peter, and I."

"Huh?" James cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Why would you go instead of me?"

"I was correcting your grammar."

"Whatever," James waved a dismissive hand, "so the four of us will plan to go together, no dates, but then, last second, me and Pe- Peter and I will get dates."

Lily nodded at his grammar correction. "Ok, who are your dates?"

"Well, Peter's been trying to get Mary to go with him, and..." James ran a hand through his hair and looked at Lily hesitantly. Lily scowled as she realized what he was going to say.

"No, James, I will not go to the dance with you."

"Come on, it's for a good cause!"


"Please?" James made puppy eyes.

"I said no."

"Just think about it, ok? All I'm asking you to do is think about it." James checked the time, then, realizing it was close to two in the morning, started to pick up his stuff to bring back to the dorm. Once they had gathered everything and James had tried to help Lily up (she slapped his hand away), they walked back to Gryffindor tower.

"Thanks for coming to talk to me. I know you hate me, like, a lot, so I really appreciate it." James smiled at Lily as they stepped into the common room.

Lily rolled her eyes, but smiled a bit as well. "Yeah, whatever. See you at breakfast."

"See ya!"

Gryffindor Girls Dorm, Hogwarts
Fourth Year

When Lily came into the dorm, a light clicked on, and Marlene nearly gave her a heart attack.

"Where have you been, young lady?"

"Jesus, Marlene! Why? Why must you do this every time?"

Marlene craned her neck to see out into the common room and just barely saw a wisp of messy black hair as someone disappeared up the steps to the boys dorm. She bounced up from her bed and pulled Lily to sit by her.

"Out with a certain James, I see? The boy who you supposedly 'hate?'"

"I do hate him."

"Then why were you with him?"


"Plotting what? Your relationship?"

"I hate you," Lily groaned as she stood up and went to her bed, flopping down on it and turning out the last light in the room, her bedside lamp.

"Not denying it," Marlene sang as she giggled. Then, a pillow slammed down onto her face. "Ow, Lily!"

"Wasn't me," Lily mumbled, already half asleep.

"Then who the hell was it?"

"It was me," Alice whisper-yelled from another bed. "Now shut up so I can sleep! Both of you!"

"Sorry, Alice," Marlene whispered. Lily just mumbled something again and pulled the covers up over her face.

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