Chapter Twelve

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A/N: The media is the outfit that belongs to Alice a.k.a Ghost. The song is her theme song.

The next day I was in my suit waiting as Aria changed into her new outfit. She walked out wearing her mask. Her extendable bo staff was tucked in her boot. Her bow could fold and was in her other boot. Her quiver was on her back and her eyes were full of determination. Roy and Oliver were over at a computer looking for Iris with Felicity. "Um guys they're here," Cisco said. The screen showed Ra's Al Ghul, Nyssa Al Ghul, Mari Costa, and 4 more assassins. Ariana walked outside. Everyone else came out behind her. "Ahan-ria, I have provided a fair fight. Defeat my assassins and you may have your fight with me. Do you agree to what I have proposed?" Ra's Al Ghul explained. "I do except for one thing. I am not Ahan-ria," she told him. "Then who are you?" He asked. "I am Ariana Sage Harper and I'm gonna kick your ass," She said. Man, what a woman. The assassins charged. We each fought one assassin. Aria had Mari and Sara had Nyssa. Aria ran around the corner with Mari on her tail. I took out the assassin I was fighting and followed them. Mari was fighting Aria and wining. "We have got to stop meeting when your about to kill my girlfriend," I said. Mari looked at me. That gave Aria the opportunity to set if the sonic device. Mari collapsed clutching her ears. "Make it stop!" She yelled. "Tell us where you're keeping Iris West and maybe I will," Aria said. "I have to show you," she replied. We brought Mari inside. "Sage?" I asked. "What?" Aria replied. "Your middle name," I said. "Oh yeah," she told me. "So your initials are ASH?" I questioned. "Yeah I know lame right?" She told me. "How about awesome?" Cisco asked. We sat Mari down at a computer. "Show us where she is," I said angrily. "Whatever you say Sugar," she smiled and started to type. "This is where she is," Mari said. On the screen was an old warehouse in Keystone. I took off.

Barry took off. "So your his girlfriend?" Mari said. "No," I said firmly. "Well then you wouldn't mind if I," she started. I cut her off. "If you like rejection then be my guest. News flash, the villain never gets the guy," I said to her. "Well then we'll just have to see who wins this war won't we?" She asked. "I guess we will," I said. Then Barry was back with Iris in his arms. "Who is that?" Iris asked gesturing to me. "You can call her Adrenaline," Barry said. I gave him a grateful look. Thank god my mask was on. "Barry why didn't you tell me?" She asked him. "I didn't want to put you in harms way," he said. "No it was me that told him not to," Joe said walking into the room. "Dad? You knew," she said half talking to herself. "We will explain everything later Iris but for now we have a war to win," I said using a voice morpher. My voice sounded deeper. "Right," Barry said. We started to walkabout of the room then I remembered Mari. I turned around and punched her in the face. "Put her in a cell that's more secure this time Cisco?" I said. "I'll make sure he does," Felicity assured. "Thanks Felicity," I said walking away.

When we got outside Oliver beat the last assassin standing. "You have won the right to your battle. Is this truly what you want?" He asked. I nodded. " gelay weyou woudala Ahan-ria," he replied. Hail and farewell protector. "Lice utha en veek engshea ula gweoul hawoule elda," Sara answered. Not if I have anything to say about it. I charged with my Bo staff. He caught me by the throat. I was choking, I couldn't breathe. Right before I passed out I saw everyone charge.

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