Chapter Eight

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How dare she let me believe her dead. And now she would betray the league by joining these imbeciles. Ahan-ria will pay for what she has done to my beloved.

A few minutes after the fighting started a black arrow hit an assassin in the chest. I looked up and saw Malcolm Merlin. He jumped down. "Thea?" I asked smashing an assassins head into the concrete. "Is inside with Felicity, John, and the other
three," he said. I jumped another assassin. "How long now?" I asked through my earpiece. "Approximately 3 minutes," Caitlin said. "Ok," I said. Three minutes later I looked at Barry. "Barry now!" I yelled. He grabbed me and ran inside. "Are you sure this will work?" I asked Cisco. "If you use enough energy she should revive," Dr. Wells said. I concentrated on giving energy to Alice. But it wasn't enough. "I can't. After the fighting I don't have enough energy to spare," I said. We were all silent. "What about both of us?" Barry said. "What?" I asked. "You said we're connected. So what if you drew on my strength?" He explained. "The mental connection wouldn't be enough," I told him. "Is it strong enough now?" He asked taking my hand. "Channel your speed as if it was passing through you to me," I told him. "Here goes nothing," I said. I concentrated allowing Barry's energy to merge with mine. I collapsed into Barry's arms. A few seconds later Alice shot up gasping. "Where am I?" she asked. "Ali," I said. "Aria I thought I was dead," she said. "You were," Cisco said from behind her. As Ali and Cisco talked Barry and I returned to the fight. "Nyssa I have a question," I said. Nyssa walked up to me. "Where's dear old dad?" I asked. "You are not worthy of his presence," she said. "Well that's too bad," I said. Then Ali slipped through the wall and injected Nyssa with a powerful sedative and slipped back through the wall with her. I created a ball of energy the size of a basketball and threw it in the centre of the battle. Everyone stopped and looked at me, "We have taken prisoner Nyssa Al Ghul heir to the demon. In exactly one week Ra's Al Ghul will be here for a fight. Any sooner, any later and she will be killed," I said. Every member of the league left silently. At the same they were giving me death glares. "Well that went well," Barry said from beside me. "Come on, lets go inside cause I'm exhausted," I said. "Well you did just bring your best friend back from the dead," Barry said.


As soon as we entered the building Aria collapsed. Caitlin and Alice helped her to a hospital type bed in the corner of the room while Cisco set up an IV bag. "Ok so bringing people back to life uses alot of energy then," Cisco said. "Ya think?" Ali said. "Is she okay?" Sara asked coming into the room. "Her energy is depleated from reviving Alice," Caitlin said. "Nyssa is now cellmates with a wide assortment of meta-humans," Roy said as he and Oliver walked in. I looked at a computer screen. Nyssa sat in the center of her cell with her legs crossed. Her face showed no emotion. "Well that's a new reaction to the pipeline," Cisco said. "Usually there's a lot more banging and screaming and demanding to be let out,". I noticed Roy was staring at Alice. "Oh and by the way Aria is passed out cause she brought Alice back to life," I said. "I gotta go," I seeing a text from Joe. I ran to the precinct

About an hour later someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and Aria was standing there. "Do you ever go home?" she asked me. "Sometimes but im mostly at S.T.A.R Labs or here in my lab," I told her. "Is that healthy?" She asked. "Probably not," I said to her. "Um excuse me? I'm looking for Barry Allen," a girl said. "That's me," I said. "You must be Ariana Harper," the girl said. "Barry," Aria said I ran out of the lab. I changed into my flash suit and ran back. The girl was on top of Aria with a dagger pressed to her throat. I tapped on the girl's shoulder. She turned to look at me. "Oh my god your, your, your," she said. "Yeah he's the flash," Aria said. She pulled a dagger out of her bag and hit the girl in the neck with the pommel of it. The girl collapsed. "Is she?" I asked. "Pressure point," she told me. "To S.T.A.R Labs we go," I said. "Again,".

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