Chapter Eleven

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I've never seen Aria drunk. She was drunk but she wasn't at the same time. It was slightly disturbing. She would drink a lot, be a little spacey, then she would be fine a few seconds later. "How are you not completely drunk?" I asked her. "I have always had a ridiculously high tolerance of alcohol," she told me. "Yet you can still get drunk," I said. "Yep, but I'll go easy on you. Although I will need a ride home," she replied. "Deal," I told her. "Wait a minute where is Cisco?" She asked. I looked around and realized he wasn't in the building. "Uh oh," I said. Alice was gone too. "Follow me," she insisted. I followed her out the back door. Cisco was fixing a car. "Try it now," Cisco said. A guy turned the key. The engine roared to life. "Told ya I could fix it! That'll be 20 bucks," Cisco yelled. "Cisco where is Alice?" I asked him. "She left mumbling something about Mari Coast or something," Cisco told us.Aria's eyes went wide with horror. "I know where she is. See you tomorrow," she said jogging down the street.

As she turned the corner I got a text. It was from Iris. <<MEET ME AT JITTERS AT 10 COME ALONE>>. Something was wrong. I checked my watch. It was 9:59 right now. I ran to Jitters when I got there Mari was holding a dagger to Iris's throat. "So glad you could make it Sweetie I was just about to tell Iris where you disappear to everyday," Mari said. "Barry who is she and what is she talking about?" Iris asked. "Now, you are going to tell her or I am going to slit her throat. Okay?" Mari said pressing the knife harder. "What is going on?" Iris asked again. I made my vocal cords vibrate the way I do when the flash talks to her. "I'm so sorry Iris," I told her. "Barry?" She said quietly. "Well i'd let him explain but Ra's Al Ghul is expecting you Iris," Mari told her. "No!" I yelled. "Too bad," Mari said looking behind me. I turned around just in time to see Nyssa hit me in the head. Then the world faded to black.

"He's still not answering," I said. I had been trying to call Barry to tell him that Mari and Nyssa got away but he wasn't answering. "Felicity can you track him?" Oliver asked her. "His phone is at CC Jitters," the blonde replied. "In the middle of the night?" Roy questioned. "I'll be back," I said. I walked out of the room then ran to Jitters. When I got there Barry was unconscious on the floor. "Barry!"I yelled. I ran over to him. I concentrated on my persuasion. "Barry Allen wake up right now!" I said to him. His eyes snapped open. "Iris!" He screamed. "Barry what happened?" I asked him. "I got a text from Iris that said to meet her here alone and when I got here Mari had her with a blade to her throat. Mari said that if I didn't tell Iris I was the flash she would slit her throat. I told her and then Mari said that Ra's is expecting her. Then Nyssa hit me with something and i collapsed," he told me. "Ok we need to get back to S.T.A.R Labs now," said.

We ran all the way there. But, of course, when we got there Joe was there. He took one look at me and knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?" Roy asked. I was crying. "Mari and Nyssa, they have Iris," I said. Joe started to cry too. "There's more," Barry said. He proceeded to repeat the encounter at Jitters. "Oh my god," Caitlin said. "We have to get her back," Joe said. "How we lost our leverage," I said. "Guys look," Felicity said. On the screen was a spiral of purple smoke. "It's a message from Nyssa. We have till tomorrow to prepare for war," I said weakly. "Well then let's not waste it," Oliver said. "Caitlin find a weak spot on Mari, Felicity find where they are keeping Iris, Oliver and Roy you two train together, Diggle help Alice train, Barry and I will train together, and Cisco we're gonna need some new toys," I said. The biggest smile I've ever seen spread across Cisco's face before he took off to his workroom. Me and Barry went outside. He ran to the other end of the space as I drew an arrow. "Ready?" he yelled. In response I fired the arrow. He ran and caught it. He smiled. Then it blew up in his face. He flew backwards. I sped over to him and aimed an arrow down at his face. He looked at me then swung his foot around sweeping me off my feet. I flipped onto him. He was pinned. "I win," he said.He kissed me. "You win," he said. I helped him to his feet. "Let's go see how Caitlin's doing," Barry said.

We walked into the room where Caitlin was. "Anything?" I asked her. "Mari Costa has very acute perception to external stimuli," she answered. "So she has super senses?" Barry asked. "Exactly," I said. "Well then these will come in handy," Cisco said walking into the room. "I modified a few of Sara's sonic devices. They emit a low sonic frequency that is harmless to the human ear but to someone with super senses it's pain central," Cisco explained. After we left the room I pulled Barry aside. "What's wrong?" he asked me. "It's just that I don't really know who I am anymore. I can't wear the outfit of Ahan-ria because she will burn with the league but it doesn't feel right to wear Adrenaline's suit either. I have no one to be," I said. Barry walked over to Cisco. "It's time," he said. Cisco smiled. They led me to a locked room. Cisco unlocked and opened the door to reveal a suit it was pure jet black and was designed to fit a woman. "I knew you were at war with yourself so we decided to help. You aren't Ahan-ria and your not completly Adrenaline. You are both," Barry said. "It's beautiful," I said.

A/N: the media is The suit Barry and Cisco just showed her. And the song is her theme song.

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